Easy See Ores
FeawMakes ores easier to see.
LunovoxIt adds various types of money, exchange table, Dispensing Machines, ATMs in stores.
Better Locks
SkyBuilder1717Adds locks and locked doors
rubenwardyAdds an API to allow players to vote
Visible Sneak
niwla23A mod to make sneaking visible. The player gets smaller on sneak and the viewpoint is lower.
HanicefAdds a notification sound when a player sends a chat message
bloopy1's CTF texture pack
bloopy1A texture pack made by bloopy1 for ctf
Commodity market
FaceDeerProvides API support for various in-world commodity markets
HCBP 18_01 Parasite - beta
SoundwavezAdds an Injector, Containing a sample of the HCBP 18_01 Parasite (Highly Contageous Blood Parasite). use on your enemys. and or your friends, if youre a backstabber!
GigaBytethe player crouches
FireWorks Reimagined
DragonWranglerA fireworks api to allow you to easily add new fireworks to your server or game.
ZughyTeam up with your friends and create a party!
Infinite Chest
DragonopAdds a configurable chest that gives an infinite amount of something.
LissoBoneChess. No rules as of now, only pieces and a board.
Lua Wand
Zemtzov7Tool with programmable on_use
niwla23This adds a lot of commands to troll! Its ver WIP
rubenwardyCommand your troops to victory - an RTS mini-game
Server Shops
AntumDelugeShops intended to be set up by server administrators.
sofarA chat filter for servers, to warn/kick/ban on swearing
Bed Notifications
Bob64This adds chat messages that tell other players when a player leaves or enters a bed and when players can sleep.
ROllerozxaTroll your friends and foes nicely!
Only a Coin
Deadlockjust a simple coin, to be used as currency
Octavian2011adds suits for speed and look
PVP Toggle
ImpulseEnables you to choose whether you want to PVP or not.
AFK Kick
GunshipPenguinKick players who do not move for a while
Chat Translator
Droog71Translates chat messages in Minetest using LibreTranslate.
Teacher: Locked Chests
1F616EMOTutorial for MTG Locked Chests
Public Inventory Plus
activivanAdds a public inventory.
visible health bar
GigaByteadds a visible health bar above the player
Minetest-Telegram Bridge
1F616EMOChat bridge between Minetest and Telegram
Death Cetro
1facoAdds a Staff thats teleports you to your last death position.
Joke Currency
chaosomniumAdds a joke economy in game with controllable inflation and deflation.
LissoBonePlay with your friends and enemies in this exciting manhunt game.
ImpulseAdds proposing and voting on server changes
HUD Notify
ANANDShows a message to a player in-game, by means of an HUD element.
Land Rush
BrandonReeseChunk-based protection.
localhostVerification/authorization via Fediverse based on (t)otp
PM Plus
LandarVarganColors Private messages in chat and plays a notification sound to players that are messaged
LejoA Report System to manage player reporting use /reportlist to view reports
City Block II
sorcerykidDisables use of water and lava buckets within a designated area