More Snow
Sokominesnow and wool for stairs - nicer winter landscape and snow-covered roofs
GC Sprint
stellarorionA simple sprinting utility without the need for food consumption :^)
NodeCore Furniture
Winter94At My Nana's Request: Adds Decorative Furniture To NodeCore
Easy Craft
GethN7Provides several easy recipes to make many craftable items. Fork of Easy Wool by Tim7
GigaByteadd 3d accessories
MadKamel's Random Mod
MadKamelA collection of random items and ideas.
GC Gamemode
stellarorionEasily switch between the survival and creative inventory
Hades Endgame
VeproGamesAdds various goodies to Hades Revisited, focused on Late/Endgame
Speed Manipulation
VolikChange your speed!
Chat guide
LudusA virtual assistant that helps players with tips, guides, and useful information.
Cave explorer tool
SFENCECave explorer tool to use acoustic signals for undergound exploring.
Weedstone Random Mod Thing
chaosomniumOriginally meant to be a simple electronics type mod inspired by redstones, I messed around with the code after getting bored and got this weird mod, and now it's this thing. Enjoy I guess?
Usable Nodes
VolikAdds usable nodes, such as kill block, or move block.
xXOsielXxAllow sprinting with double tap
welcome color
GigaByteadds a welcome message in green with ramdom messages and a message when a player leaves in red
Modding Commands
DragonWranglerAdds Hopefully helpful commands for modding
LibraSubtilisA basic exploration, mining, crafting and building sandbox game with no NPCs, monsters or animals.
namPorko, the Dice Game
Escape The Beast
Thunder1035A survival hunt game
theidealist101A sandbox game about exploring alien planets and building starships.
carlos_ruppAction game in ancient Egypt.
XenonCan you guess which cube to hit last?
Fill the Void
Charleston314You start in a empty, boring world. What it becomes is up to you.
cx384DS's Space Search Adventure
Wisdom Check Part 1
RedundantCFear of Surprises (game jam 2023 entry)
Adopt a Space Worm
mothnox(Extremely unfinished) An alien virtual pet
Holiday Horrors
sunnysideupSurvive the holidays!
Robot Escape
GeneratororYou play as a robot forced to do the same routine every day, even bound by your code, you decide enough is enough and try to escape
Thunder1035A Pacman inspired game