tides & floods
Lemente[WIP] [Warning: read full description] Adds the /sealevel command to rise/lower the sealevel.
Bucket lite
daretBucket - fork of Minetest Game mod with reduced "bucket" liquid flowing
Giant Mushroom/ Mushrooms
Hybrid DogAdd mushrooms and giant mushrooms.
Climate API
TestificateModsA powerful engine for weather presets and visual effects. Requires a weather pack like Regional Weather.
sofarA mod that adds thunder and lightning effects.
Funny Shadows
x2048Adds sunlight shadows to your world
Dynamic Liquid
FaceDeerFlowing dynamic liquids and ocean-maintenance springs.
csirolliAdds a "thirst" mechanic, similar to hunger.
Regional Weather
TestificateModsA weather pack for Climate API
EmptyStarAdds a subtle touch of life to Luanti worlds with ambient particle effects
Mineclone Better End (WIP)
TX MinerMake the end better in Mineclonia and Mineclone!
More particles
QualMakes game more immersive by adding more particles
Just_VisitingA Particle-based Waterfalls/Lavafalls Mod
FaceDeerPlayers walking over various types of terrain will leave footprints, and optionally pack the soil down into trails
K Ambient Light
ketwarooPseudo ambient lighting to banish the deep dark night. Allows a few extra granular tweaks and override options.
Elephant Veins
jan EpiphanyReplaces small, sporadic ore pockets with sparse, gigantic ore veins.
TermosAdds water erosion, so flowing water forms somewhat more realistic looking waterfalls.
Better Ice
TheFanneModifies ice so that it melts into water when broken, and will be melted by torches
Moon Phases
TestificateModsChanges the moon to follow a cycle between eight different phases.
VoxeLibre Soaking Rain
rudzik8Makes you take damage under rain/snow without leather topping or an umbrella
Generic moon of Saturn
Red_King_CyclopsReplaces the default earthlike setting with a generic moon of Saturn.
NodeCore Naturae: Revised and Revamped
Winter94The Latest and Greatest Version of NodeCore Nature, with updated code from Warr1024!
NodeCore Steam: Resurrected
Winter94Adds Steam & Basic Steam Behavior To NodeCore
NodeCore Skyblock
KimaprPlay NodeCore on floating islands!
Solar Phases
VeproGamesSimulate variable daytime lengths, including polar day / night
Radiant Damage
FaceDeerA mod that allows nodes to damage players at a distance
ApolloXRegenerating terrain
NodeCore Additional Content
Winter94Ask and Ye Shall Recieve (Multiple Small Additions Requested in NC Documentation )
Time Speed
LinuxdirkConfigurable different speeds for daytime and nighttime
Under Sky
SharaSkybox switch for really dark Minetest caves
Tree Particles
SuperStarSonicAdds particles of falling leaves when you punch a tree
DragonWranglerthis is a fork of astral
NodeCore Fungi
Winter94Adds various fungi to NodeCore, in all their mycelial glory.
Nodecore Vulcan Improved
Winter94Improved version of nc_vulcan.
cronvelAdd regular moon phases, as well as 9 special natural and surnatural Astral events to discover!
EmptyStarAllows players to climb and walk through leaves
csirolliA thermometer to check the temperature
SnowSong, the EPIC Sound Pack
tacotexmexSnowSong, the EPIC Sound Pack
golden lava
GigaByteadd golden lava
Calendar Node
WuzzyAdds a placeable calendar