Minebase Core
ThatCommandAdds APIs and new dynamic functionalities.
Blacklist Name
ANANDBlacklist offensive names, forcing players to join with different names.
Modding Commands
DragonWranglerAdds Hopefully helpful commands for modding
Copy From Chest
zeronumbersAdds server command copy-from-chest that copies items from chest at x y z to player.
activivanAdds boosts, technically temporarily granted privileges.
Zemtzov7Execute commands on behalf of another player
Proximity Chat
GreenXenithOnly hear chat from nearby players.
fluxionaryverification and banning
Chat Filter
xXNicoXxMinetest Chat Filter a simple but usefull minetest chatfilter mod made by xXNicoXx
lag01Complements game built-in chat or replaces it.
Matterbridge Player Events
cj_clippySends a message to the matterbridge when a player joins/parts
Pos Marker
1F616EMOAdd markers that can set and get via chatcommand.
Clean Chat
MineTestDadParents wish to protect their children from possibly harmful words in chat. This allows them to maintain a list per player, which the parents in lieu of their children can extend by themselves.
Player Status
ThresherAllows you to set and get the in-game status of players
Voxelforge /sit and lay commands
VoxelForgeSit and lay using chat commands
Seed of the World
Flay KruneganShow the seed of the world
niwla23Players can set their info and others can see it
Block / Unblock users
jesuistitusThe "Block / Unblock users" allows players to block and unblock messages from other players in the chat.
Time and Date Stamps
Bob64This mod overrides the default chat format so that it also contains the date and time that the message was sent.
Bapt-techA mod for admin to open inventories and ender chests in case of duplication (needs openinv and openec priv)