Skamiz KazzarchOrient yourself in the darkness by touch.
Calendar Node
WuzzyAdds a placeable calendar
NodeCore Fungi
Winter94Adds various fungi to NodeCore, in all their mycelial glory.
niwla23Make day by using one mese crystal!
Lava + Water > Stone
1F616EMOCool Lava into technically special stones for easier cleanup
Nodecore Vulcan Improved
Winter94Improved version of nc_vulcan.
NodeCore Additional Content
Winter94Ask and Ye Shall Recieve (Multiple Small Additions Requested in NC Documentation )
DSMakes lava plop every now and then
golden lava
GigaByteadd golden lava
Additional Gravel
HordekingAdds overgrown gravel, similar to mossy cobblestone.
ApolloXRegenerating terrain
Bouncy Leaves
1F616EMOAdds bouncy and fall damage reduce effect to leaves
Grow Dry Grass
Silver SandstoneMakes dry grass spread on savanna dirt.
MineClone2 Build Limit
AFCMAdd a build limit to MineClone2
Vlf Falling Suprise
VoxelForgeA survival challenge for VoxelForge With a nasty suprise... Beware: This may grief (Or even destroy) your world
Unlit Music
nurd3Official OST for Unlit
NodeCore Skyblock
KimaprPlay NodeCore on floating islands!
csirolliA thermometer to check the temperature
Time Speed
LinuxdirkConfigurable different speeds for daytime and nighttime
monkAdds a light snow fall effect, with toggle commands
Frozen Energy
bell07Use frozen energy crystals to freeze water
Vote Day
niwla23This adds a command to vote for making day!
Snow for Hades Revisited
SFENCEAdd snow to Hades Revisited via snow cannon.
Renewable Fireflies
mecha_moonboyRegisters an ABM on some ground blocks that spawn fireflies if certain criteria are met.
Under Sky
SharaSkybox switch for really dark Minetest caves
XevinAdds M.Y.K.O.T.A self-propagating mushroom liveform
Rotting Wood
PolyniumCauses wood to slowly rot while exposed to water
No Floating Gravity Blocks
nneettRegisters an abm to not leave falling blocks floating
Timed World Modifiers library
karamelEnvironmental ABM that could be triggered on a very wide range of nodes but only a few at a time.
CSperson's Simple Pebbles
CSpersonA very simple mod that adds natural detritus. Doesn't do much besides that.
Sun Flowers
Hybrid DogThis mod generates flowers which close their heads at night.
NodeCore Lignite
Winter94Adds Lignite, an ore of coal. Now outdated, please use NodeCore Coal instead. See Below.
Nodeternal Darkness
Kimaprmake nodecore very dark
NC Steam
Winter94Adds new mechanics to Nodecore, such as steam power and dynamic water
PaleoTest for Hades Revisited
SFENCEAdds Not Only Prehistoric Fauna and Flora to Hades Revisited.
Portal gun
AiTechEyePortals and stuff
SuperStarSonicSubmission for the LGJ2024. A space survival game.
Ambient Light
MikeRedwoodMakes all nodes lit to a small degree!
Blocky PlayerAdds stylish mud blocks and even blocks you can walk through. Setup traps, secret rooms and much more!