Caps Alert
ANANDCatches chat messages with all-caps and warns / kicks players.
Advanced Rangefinder
sorcerykidExtends the Minetest API with search capabilities for entities
ROllerozxaAutomatically restarts the server after a certain uptime is reached.
Kick Vote
rubenwardyAdds kick voting using the vote API
tacotexmexRenames all nodes to a hashed equivalent.
Recover from irrecoverable lag
1F616EMORestart the server when it lags too much
Invisible Blocks
TruemmererAdd invisible Blocks
VPS Blocker
LejoBlock players using vpns, proxys or other hosting services
AmazA mod that gives the interact priv to players who want it and who have agreed to the rules.
Grant interact on chat
1F616EMOGrant newcomers interact only after they speak
DerevioAdds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
Extended Protection
1F616EMOExtended interaction restriction rule
Blacklist Name
ANANDBlacklist offensive names, forcing players to join with different names.
No Touch, Griefer!
ROllerozxaPer-IP interact privilege bans
2-Factor Authentication
sofarAdds server and player email confirmation to add an extra layer of security (2FA)
YL Scheduler
AliasAlreadyTakenExecute tasks based on utc
Random Messages
1F616EMORegister random announcements
Neocraft1293mod for storing hashed player IPs
mt-modsstandalone chat channel mod
fluxionaryverification and banning
Advanced Ban
srifqiAdvanced Ban: Ban a player based on its username
1F616EMOPreventing confusable usernames
builtin overrides
fluxionaryminor QOL overrides for some builtin behaviors
SkyBuilder1717Adds an chroma blocks for videos or photoshop.
Aratox Anticheat
zanderdevSeverside Anticheat. Remove cheaters from your server automatically.
Matterbridge Player Events
cj_clippySends a message to the matterbridge when a player joins/parts
YL Ticker
AliasAlreadyTakenDisplays messages once per timeframe
Safe TNT
1F616EMOApply height restrictions to TNTs
World Folder Media
MisterEAllows you to load textures and sounds from the world folder.
Minetest Teams
pl608simple multiplayer team system
No More Guests!
kaezaStops guest players (ie: Guest1234) from joining your server
Auth Redux
sorcerykidAuth Redux is a drop-in replacement for the builtin authentication handler of Minetest
Zemtzov7Execute commands on behalf of another player
Temp Privs
ChimneySwiftOverwrites the default grant, grantme and revoke chatcommands to add revoke or grant expiration.
liquid restriction
wsor4035restricts liquid use to a privilege
Node Meta Manipulation
AntumDelugeManage node meta data
Warr1024Cheat commands for ColourHop
Latency Protection
Coder12Latency protection attempts to prevent players from glitching through protected nodes. By either teleporting the player or damaging them.
Death Timer
MathiasTimer that adds a delay between deaths.
Drop The Caps
cheapieKicks players that spew all-caps messages