Chest Tools
SokomineShared locked chests with bag support and quick inventory access
LandarVarganAdds chatcommands server staff can use for announcements
Prejoin Messages
GregonNotifies players when a player starts connecting to the server
AthozusAdds ingame auctions
Verbana GUI
LukeA GUI for verbana
2-Factor Authentication
sofarAdds server and player email confirmation to add an extra layer of security (2FA)
YL Ticker
AliasAlreadyTakenDisplays messages once per timeframe
Chat Anticurse
lag01Kick player out when they type a curse word in chat or using /me or /msg command.
iarbatAdds moths which can send messages (from Lord of the Rings)
BabelFish Mail
1F616EMOTranslate mails into the player's preferred language
player actions
GigaByteshows the actions of a player
1F616EMOSend tips to newcomers
sorcerykidAn API for validating node and item placement via a simple callback mechanism.
ROllerozxaTrade items with other players.
AiTechEyeThe serverguide
RisingLeafAdds a very basic guild system.
Offline Phantoms
KimaprPlayers leave "phantoms" when leaving; other players can take items from those
Advanced Playtime
zanderdevKeeps track of playtime for all players in your world. Notifies you how much playtime you have occasionally.
rPlace Analysis GUI
1F616EMOFormspec GUI for rPlace Analysis
archfan7411Write and address an envelope to another player!
Smart Chat
ClydeA new, lightweight, simple and modular Chatsystem
YL Scheduler
AliasAlreadyTakenExecute tasks based on utc
octacianMakes chat on a populated server much easier to understand and keep up with.
Nebula Anti-Cheat
JoinNebulaCheat detection and prevention
Chat translate
ksandrAdds commands to translate chat messages into the recipient's language.
Kick Player on Death/Respawn
VolikKicks player on death or respawn.
Smart Renting
AiTechEyeSmart renting: Rent out your locked things and earn money!
Protector Redux
sorcerykidAn efficient and flexible node-based protection scheme for multiplayer worlds
louisroyerAdds keyrings.
Babelfish Redo
1F616EMOTranslate chat messages into other languages
1facoAdds colored chat and custom nametags
Extended Protection
1F616EMOExtended interaction restriction rule
Autograph Mod
Jo5629_Autograph Mod
CasimirPlayers spawn and respawn within an area around the center of active players.
orwellAdds an alternative Private Message (PM) system
Blacklist Name
ANANDBlacklist offensive names, forcing players to join with different names.
Caps Alert
ANANDCatches chat messages with all-caps and warns / kicks players.
Minetest Teams
pl608simple multiplayer team system
Random Messages
1F616EMORegister random announcements
activivanAdds boosts, technically temporarily granted privileges.