Underground Survival Lighting
ArkatronIf you like underground light in survival, use this mod, it can help that.
Interest for Unififed Money
1F616EMOGrow your assets over time
drkwvAdds durable building materials that won't break on a first dig.
hutzdogYet Another Library
1F616EMOSend tips to newcomers
Entity Control Function Library
NoodlemireAdds functions to override and unregister entities.
Vlf Falling Suprise
VoxelForgeA survival challenge for VoxelForge With a nasty suprise... Beware: This may grief (Or even destroy) your world
angry_hd1Fully heal yourself using a command!
Extended Protection
1F616EMOExtended interaction restriction rule
Cellular Automata
LMDSimulates 3D cellular automata
New pickaxes
ArkatronAdds new pickaxes
Lock Workshop
LRVThis mod removes the crafts for locked and shared nodes and makes them craftable in the lock workshop via their unlocked/locked counterpart and a lock.
Phonics Library
NeuromancerProvides a library for creating Phonics (Learn how to read) mods in different languages.
Snow for Hades Revisited
SFENCEAdd snow to Hades Revisited via snow cannon.
Technic Grass Clean
1F616EMOA tool like chainsaw, but cut grass, not tree.
Cave explorer tool
SFENCECave explorer tool to use acoustic signals for undergound exploring.
ademantTreasure nodes with useful items
Complete and Total Lua-Only Inventory Rewrite
NoodlemireCreates a completely custom inventory system, which doesn't rely at all on any of the usual UserData objects.
Shop Dialog
1F616EMOFormspec-based shop dialog
Position listeners library
karamelPlayers' position observing library
fluxionarymore player monoids
Offline Phantoms
KimaprPlayers leave "phantoms" when leaving; other players can take items from those
SamBas700adds hardcore mobs be careful (please enable shaders)
AthozusAdds ingame auctions
Simonfill your hearts (HP)
Cid Music Pack
eklA bunch of music for Cid Music Player
LukeOfficialAdds road marks.
cronvelName generator API.
Build Mangle (Joke only)
RasPiManiacType /destroy to mangle a build :P
Burnable Diamonds
Hume2Make diamonds useable as fuel
filter++ lib
rstcxkprovides an API for filtering text
1F616EMOPreventing confusable usernames
Advanced Ban
srifqiAdvanced Ban: Ban a player based on its username
iarbatAdds counterfeit diamonds and other fake precious materials.
You Can't Touch It Either
Avicennia_gSimple mod adding lockable storage shelves to Nodecore.
Quiz - Play Challenge
snowyuThis mod requires players to answer question before they can play. If you answer correctly, you will get a award and continue to play, otherwise you will not be able to play.
Simple notification wrapper
KirowLThis project offers a Notification System API to display temporary messages on the player's screen, allowing seamless integration of notifications into gameplay.
Hugues RossHides butterflies/fireflies
louisroyerAdds keyrings.
Chat Games
ImpulseGet rewards for answering questions in the chat.