Wireless Mesecons
GreenXenithWireless Mesecons and Digilines
Climbing Pick
lag01Tool to climb, double jump, and do good damage to mobs.
Dense Ores
benedict424Adds rare ores with twice the drops of their normal counterpart.
Alien Tools
chaosomniumAlien Tools Mod for Minetest - adds Alien Tool, Shield, biome, etc
Not So Simple Mobs
TenPlus1Adds a host of creatures into your world with new weapons too.
Jackknifeadds silver ore and tools
Wardrobe Outfits
AntumDelugeSome select skins for the wardrobe.
Time Stone
j45This mod adds 2 single use stones, a day stone and a night stone, the day stone turns time to sunrise and the night stone turns time to sunset.
Mob Crab (Beta)
Can202Adds Crabs.
Lighted Helmets
AntumDelugeLight-emitting helmets.
X17Make charcoal from trees and use this as fuel
AntumDelugeA wardrobe that can be used to register & set new player skins.
Fast Build Tool
playduinTool for fast box building
Oxidizing Copper
StarNinjasThis mod aims to make copper/bronze more realistic by making them slowly oxidize into a bluish/green block when exposed to water.
NextGen Bedrock
StarNinjasAdds an indestructible bedrock layer at the bottom of the world.
pathv7 redo! (Mapgen V7 only)
1F616EMOCreates a worldwide network of paths, bridges and tunnels.
Semmett9Adds wooden and Iron scaffolding.
AmazAdds three different methods of flying, wings, jetpacks and flying carpets.
Anonymous_mooseAdds decorative banners in all colours of wool.
Bas080Anables users to get a pathogen.
Kick voting
lag01Allow players to vote to make life of selected griefers and especially agressive players harder.
Christmas Tree
ExeterDadAdds a decorated indoor Christmas tree with wrapped gifts.
Spawn Command
lag01Adds a /spawn command that teleports you to the server spawn command.
DonCrown molding, columns and baseboards of different styles.
Hybrid DogAdds titanium which is very strong and lasts for a long time.
Connected Chests
Hybrid DogAllows making bigger default chests.
Hybrid DogThe underworld for Minetest.
Hybrid DogAdds glowing stone and lantern.
Nyancat's heaven (reworked)
Hybrid DogAdds a nyanland in the sky
qawsedrftgzhGo skiing, and have fun, and save your winter holidys
Kart Car
APercyAdds a craftable kart
More Boots
UbuntuJaredFork of ClothierEdward's "Boots Of Swiftness", adds new boots that let you jump higher and run faster
More Fuels
pl608Adds a few new fuels for use in furnaces such as gasoline and petrolium
Invisible Wall
X17Adds a simple invisible block
Kitty/Kitto Ores
nemokitty9Nemokitty9's own ore pack. Includes Tools!
APercyAdds a craftable submarine
Online Shopping
LC CreationsAllows players to buy and trade anywhere.
giga-turboUse lua code to build anything you want
itemshelf (Fork)
nacGeneric item shelf with 3D items on display
Power Rangers Modpack
LC CreationsAdds power rangers and an API to create your own.