welcome color
GigaByteadds a welcome message in green with ramdom messages and a message when a player leaves in red
csirolliPlace bounties on players
player actions
GigaByteshows the actions of a player
GigaBytethe player crouches
Fire Master
Flay KruneganFire Master is a powerful weapon that can shoot fire
Tomahawks and Throwing Knives
PixelatedIntroduces new weapons
Node roads
MatyasPAdd much of one-node roads and crossroads, road bridges and slopes
Andrey01Adds various detailed furniture components, decorations and exterior stuff with various designs and styles of each epoch.
Sim Trains
NazalassaAdds some trains, for use with Advtrains.
RealBadAngelExtensive machinery mod with electricity and ores.
EmilianoA package with some elements and compounds
Moss Carpets
alerikaisatteraMoss carpets based on Ethereal mosses
alerikaisatteraAmethyst, basalt, calcite and related building blocks
Edit Skin
Johannes FritzAdvanced player skin customization
LinuxdirkNodes for pixelart grouped in color palettes
WuzzyA decoration mod meant to be simple and well-featured (libre version).
Industrial Mese
LinuxdirkCraft and use industrial Mese
Unified Hammers
LinuxdirkVarious hammers that can be used to crush nodes.
AnnalysaBoil milk and then let the curd age to get cheese!
Upgrade Packs
KrockProvides craftable packs to players to increase their health and breath
LinuxdirkA craftable and “makeable“ cement blocks for Minetest Game
Not So Simple Mobs
TenPlus1Adds a host of creatures into your world with new weapons too.
UFO wreck
IrremannUFO wreck
S Battlehammer
StakboxAdds a battlehammer weapon with high knockback for MTG (compatible only with Mobs Redo API).
S Potions
StakboxAdds a simple potion brewing system for MTG. Includes API for adding custom potions.