NodeCore ALPHA
Warr1024Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and maybe bugs)
Warr1024Discover and invent in a surreal, unsympathetic world of cubes, patterns, and abstractions.
Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
JeijaAdds digital circuitry, including wires, buttons, lights, and even programmable controllers.
BuckarooBanzaiBuild nodes with digiline commands
JeijaThis mod adds digiline wires, an RTC (Real Time Clock), a light sensor as well as an LCD Screen.
smartshop (flux's fork)
fluxionarya smarter and easier shop
Technic Plus Beta
mt-modsThe technic modpack extends the Minetest game with many new elements, mainly constructable machines and tools.
More Fuels
pl608Adds a few new fuels for use in furnaces such as gasoline and petrolium
Loria (alpha)
siegmentSurvival in hardcore acid-alien sci-fi themed world
fluxionarynode whose color can be set via digilines