Mineclone2 Falling Anvils
NO11A survival challenge for Mineclone2.
Real Compass
kestralA simple compass that only points north.
Database Manager
AFCMDatabase Manager API
NodeCore ALPHA
Warr1024Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and maybe bugs)
PB&J Pup and Nyan Cat
TenPlus1Adds PB&J Pup, Nyan Cats or MooGnu into your world
Equipment Examiner
AntumDelugeA node that will examine the specs of equipment.
Teleport Request
Traxie21Allows players to send a request to other players to teleport to them. Includes many more teleporting features.
Warr1024Discover and invent in a surreal, unsympathetic world of cubes, patterns, and abstractions.
Hume2Adds a rideable bike with animations and extensive colors.
IcyDiamondA powerful modpack
Fluid Container API
IcyDiamondLibrary for nodes containing fluids
BuckarooBanzaimapgen mod creator
BuckarooBanzaiEnhanced Programmer for Ingame Control
ApolloXBe more forgiving for those who are tired of their tools and/or armor breaking.
Mapblock Lib
BuckarooBanzaimapblock serialization functions
Item Replicator
ApolloXReplicate items with ease.