My Walls
DonAdds more wall types for walls mod.
Wooden Bucket
mt-modsadds wooden buckets
Spawn Command
lag01Adds a /spawn command that teleports you to the server spawn command.
HerkulesAdds an elevator and elevatorrails.
ATM Redo
CodeMinerAdds an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) and MWT (Money Wire Transfer) designed to work with the currency mod and its minegeld banknotes.
Cave Explorer
Hume2An utility for cave exploring in creative
Sim Trains
NazalassaAdds some trains, for use with Advtrains.
Wilhelmines Living Caves Mobs
Liiladds mobs to the caves of your world
Ice Cream Mod
Can202Add some Ice Creams
Simple Xray
MikeRedwoodMakes stone and desert stone see through, also works with nether mod
Craft Table
BrunoMineAdd Craft Table
Fire Plus
LandarVarganAllows players to be lit on fire.
X Obsidianmese
SaKeLShooting sword, woodcutting / treecapitator axe, multiple plow blocks / plant seeds hoe, path creating shovel, pickaxe can place secondary items (e.g. torches) and more...
DragonopIntroduces the Claycrafter, which converts Compressed Dirt to Clay using Glasses of Water.
1F616EMOA portable basket for carrying large amount of items (= Shulker Boxes)
new minerals
GigaBytenew minerals for armor and tools,add mineral abysmal, cobalto,adamantita,tugsteno,clorofite,titanium and more uses for obsidian
Tools with Sounds
DuckGoAdds sounds to tools like swords and axes when using them
Beds Redo
TenPlus1beds which allows sleep, featured to (auto) skip the night.
Cactus Damage
VMan_2002Players take damage from touching cactus
Bed Rock
DSAdds a bed-rock, for sleeping
Pyramids (with treasures)
WuzzyPyramids with treasures!
Copper Rails
AwesomeDragon97Adds a new directional rail made from copper and mese crystals.
Large Bricks
AwesomeDragon97Adds large stone bricks.
TumeniNodesAdds decorative clay and stone-type nodes to Minetest Game.
mt-modsA simple mod that adds various shipwrecks with treasures into the ocean
cheapieAdvanced modern road infastructure (fork)
gpcfNice trains for Advtrains
Thomas-SAdds basic furniture (Chairs, Tables, Small Tables, Tiny Tables, Benches).
Native Villages
LiilAdds villages of native people to the world.
mt-mods8bits style monitor and keyboards using digilines
IcyDiamondA work-in-progress magic mod
alerikaisatteraAmethyst, basalt, calcite and related building blocks
Dense Ores
benedict424Adds rare ores with twice the drops of their normal counterpart.
Simple Recycle
JoleshAdds the possibility to recycle items and nodes by smelting or decrafting them back to their original resources.
Lighted Helmets
AntumDelugeLight-emitting helmets.
Signs Extra
Hume2Two new signs: blue banner and billboard
DonCrown molding, columns and baseboards of different styles.
Map Tools
CalinouAdds various special versions of normal blocks, tools, and other map maintainer tools.
Timber Frame
jbbThis mod adds timber-framed clay, bricks, cobble, stone and stone bricks to the game.
IcyDiamondA powerful modpack