Builda City
SplizardA multiplayer city-building game. Press 'i' ingame for help.
mt-modsProvides shops, barter tables, safes, and multiple denominations of currency, called "Minegeld". Originally written by Dan Duncombe, but maintained by me.
Yourland Speak up
SokomineNPCs deliver speeches
ATM Redo
CodeMinerAdds an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) and MWT (Money Wire Transfer) designed to work with the currency mod and its minegeld banknotes.
Smart Shop
AiTechEyeSmart and easy shop
SokomineConfigurable mobs/NPC which can trade for you.
LunovoxIt adds various types of money, exchange table, Dispensing Machines, ATMs in stores.
Better Locks
SkyBuilder1717Adds locks and locked doors
Commodity market
FaceDeerProvides API support for various in-world commodity markets
Infinite Chest
DragonopAdds a configurable chest that gives an infinite amount of something.
Server Shops
AntumDelugeShops intended to be set up by server administrators.
Only a Coin
Deadlockjust a simple coin, to be used as currency
Cooperative Factions
skiscratcherAdds factions, allowing players to team together
Joke Currency
chaosomniumAdds a joke economy in game with controllable inflation and deflation.
Ghost Crypt
group_fooSteal the treasure while avoiding ghosts.
Bank Accounts
TmanyoAdds bank accounts with ATMs and Debit\Credit cards.
Jean's Economy
Jean3219Full Economy for Servers like, paying, individual bank statemants, daily rewards, easy api for modders, easy integration with other mods ...
Unified API for in-game currency
1F616EMOUnified API for currency management
CrystalwarriorMod for simple, extremely stackable coins to be used by other mods for trading, currency and inventory management.
Fantasy Commodity Markets
FaceDeerAdds a number of fantasy-themed marketplaces using commoditymarket
ATM for Unified Money
1F616EMOTake your money into physical currency
1F616EMOInbox for items
City CommodityMarket
X5DragonfireAdds simple CommodityMarkets for city's towns etc.
Smartshop Payment with Unified Money
1F616EMOHandle smartshop payment digitally
For Sale Sign for Unified Money
1F616EMOArea Exchange with Unified Money System
ClydeAdds 3 kind of Coins to your game
Slot Machine Mini-games
mt-modsProvides an "engine" to drive simple slot machines (includes two). Spins reels, takes in/pays out in Minegeld (Dan's currency mod), etc.
Wire Transfer Terminal for Unified Money
1F616EMODigital way of transferring money in Unified Money system
SokomineRent an apartment with your own chests and furnaces close to spawn
Easy Vending Machines
WuzzyAdds vending and depositing machines which allow to buy and sell items from other players, using a currency item.
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
Experience ATM for MineClone 2/5
mt-modsAdds experience atms to MineClone 2
KrockMoney items for your world. You can mine bitcoins. Sort of.
LukeAdds /money.
Online Shopping
LC CreationsAllows players to buy and trade anywhere.
GigaByteadd money bag
N FreemanCurrency like shops to trade with emeralds in your Emeraldbank.
MathiasEconomy featuring a primitive supply and demand system for exchanging goods.
Item exchange shop
KrockProvides a simple exchange shop (currency compatible)
Unified Money Backend: SQLite3
1F616EMOStoring Unified Money data into a SQLite3 database