Copper Rails

Adds a new directional rail made from copper and mese crystals.

Work in Progress Building Transport

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How do I install this?

Copper Rails

This mod adds a new type of rail.

It is placed differently from normal rails, rather than connecting by default it faces whatever direction you place it in.

Due to engine limitations, it cannot go up or down hills and other rails won't connect to it.

This mod is useful if you want to enforce a certain direction on railways, or if you want to make a cart go back when it reaches the end of the track.

One copper rail is not enough to stop a full speed minecart, you must place multiple rails adjacent to each other.

The direction of the arrow shape of the rails indicates which direction carts are pushed.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • adds a good use for copper

    not being able to turn or connect to other rails is not bad at all, joining different types of rails to fix this enforces an aesthetic to your rail system that end up looking "more complex".

    one of the better vanilla additions

  • Nice addition to normal rails

    This mod does exactly what the description promises.

    The copper rails look a bit weird sometimes because they do not connect to normal rails.

    Copper rail curves do not work; if you want to connect two copper rail lines at a 90 degree angle, you have to place a normal rail node in the corner.