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Ancient Fertilizer
Adds ancient fertilizer, sourced from ancient stone in the underground, useful for farming flowers if you need dye for colored nodes, complements bonemeal.
Movement Essentials
Adds umbrella for slow fall (hang gliders), consume mese crystal to recall (return to spawn), and throw fragments to teleport.
adds a good use for copper
not being able to turn or connect to other rails is not bad at all, joining different types of rails to fix this enforces an aesthetic to your rail system that end up looking "more complex".
one of the better vanilla additions
almost good
i like the crafting system, but there are some problems:
most interesting minetest mod i used so far
i agree with most of the design decisions here, and the cobble generator is awesome. some textures are still "primitive" and theres room for improvement like the furnace and acess point.
no bugs so far and i am using it a lot, this is much nicer than pipeworks but both still have distinct features.
visual bugs
maybe copy paste the mod from 3d armor?
does exacly what its supposed to, helpful for finding good register_ore parameters
always use it
after using this mod so much i have a few complaints, take this as feedback
the red curtain is too bright even on inventory, a less nice way to say it is this texture is janky it breaks imersion just by looking at it, cactus brick has the same effect, if a friend you are playing with feels like using this block the whole aesthetic of the game is ruined, trampoline is invisible from below, garden stone path looks weird, i can see these 4 nodes benefiting from a new texture, the red curtain with the same color as red wool
bowl of soup is not on creative inventory, the rope on creative can cause lag depending on the circumstance (maybe stop at 99)
why moreores?
if this is "meant as a drop-in replacement" i don't think moreores is a good idea, i don't have it in my world, if i replace technic with technic_plus_beta... mithril will only spawn in new chunks breaking consistency. and it is not a required dependency in technic_plus either.
edit: see comments
makes mining interesting
minetest has a lot of plain stone, this is the best mod to add variation to the underground, its always a good time exploring and trying to find new stones for the colection. and i select some stones i like for my survival worlds