
An augmented mtg_craftguide. Supports a progressive reveal system that follows doc items help.

Work in Progress Crafting Survival GUI Minetest Game improved

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For Luanti 5.0 and above

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An augmented mtg_craftguide. Supports a progressive reveal system that follows doc items help.

Based on mtg_craftguide, which itself is based on craftguide.


Adds a "Recipes" tab to the sfinv inventory. Click an item to see it's recipes. Click again to show usages.

Recipes reveal will be synchronized with the doc items discovered (doc/help)

Authors of media

paramat (CC BY-SA 3.0):

  • craftguide_clear_icon.png
  • craftguide_next_icon.png
  • craftguide_prev_icon.png
  • craftguide_search_icon.png

Neuromancer (CC BY-SA 3.0):

  • craftguide_furnace.png

Wuzzy (CC BY-SA 3.0):

  • craftguide_shapeless.png



Do you recommend this mod?

  • English

    Needs configuration

    This joins the punch to pick up, GUIless interfaces, and other love it or hate it mods. The thing all these types of mods have in common is that they enforce a specific play style – a '"no-no" in sandbox play. Single players and sever ops should have an easier time playing the game they want.