ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft.
mt-modsA next-generation inventory
Warr1024Discover and invent in a surreal, unsympathetic world of cubes, patterns, and abstractions.
Skyblock: Zero
zanderdevStart from absolutely nothing in a skyblock world. Time is your resource.
Too Many Stones
JoeEnderman88 stones that will spawn in most games. Supports English, Español, Français, Deutsch, Pусский, Português, 日本語
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
Loria (alpha)
siegmentSurvival in hardcore acid-alien sci-fi themed world
ElCeejoAdds Prehistoric Fauna and Flora to Minetest Game
Maidroid NG
mazesInspired by littleMaidMob from another voxel game, it provides maid robots called "maidroid".
LokratesProduce biofuel from unused plants.
StarNinjasAdds new industrious-themed blocks and tools.
MineClone2 Speedrun
AFCMSpeedrun features for MineClone2
Basic Materials and items
mt-modsProvides a small selection of "basic" materials and items that other mods should use when possible -- things like steel bars and chains, wire, plastic strips and sheets, and more.
joe7575A Mining, Crafting, & Farming Modpack for Minetest
IcyDiamondA powerful modpack
Simple Recycle
JoleshAdds the possibility to recycle items and nodes by smelting or decrafting them back to their original resources.
DragonopIntroduces the Claycrafter, which converts Compressed Dirt to Clay using Glasses of Water.
Simple Crafting
shaftSimplified Crafting
GridLess Craft
Kimaprcrafting grid replacement and better craftguide
Better Basic Materials
AwesomeDragon97Fixes the inconsistent textures in Basic Materials.
Industrial Mese
LinuxdirkCraft and use industrial Mese
ThePython10110Adds portable things to MineClone (crafting table, ender chest, enchanting table)
Stone Age Integration Pack
csirolliAdds basic stone age & survival tools and makes the start in the world harder
NodeCore Stairs
Warr1024Adds an assortment of stairs and slabs to NodeCore
moreblocks and stairsplus
fluxionaryadds various blocks to the game
NodeCore ALPHA
Warr1024Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and maybe bugs)
MadKamelA game that changes much of MTG's gameplay.
K Recyclebin
ketwarooBreaks down crafted things into original components. Mostly.. Compatible with default game and mineclonia. Works with hoppers too.
Unsolicited Crafting Recipes for Mineclonia
ketwarooRecipes for saddle, horse armors, and other uncraftables for mineclonia. Companion mod for k_recyclebin.
Smart Inventory
bell07A fast player inventory with focus on a many number of items and big screens
Craftable Lava
MikeRedwoodEnables the crafting of lava from baked stone
New Factory
theFoxIndustrialization for minetest
LunovoxIt adds various types of money, exchange table, Dispensing Machines, ATMs in stores.
ThePython10110Adds crafting recipes for spawners and spawn eggs to MineClone
Grass String
SkivlingAdds string made from grass, which can be converted into normal string.
Extreme Randomizer
NO11Randomises crafting, mob and block drops.
Better Randomizer
ThePython10110Randomizes node drops, mob drops, and crafting recipes
De Nenio
JoleshAdds possibilities to get items normally unobtainable in skyblock through new mechanics and objects
Craft Lookup
ForbiddenJProvides you with a way to lookup recipes to make items.
Clean unknown recipes
1F616EMORemove recipes referencing to unknown items