WARNING: If you have any version below 0.2 installed, you'll need to manually uninstall before updating.
Animalia adds over a dozen new Animals, each having it's own unique aspects.
Exploration: Animalia encourages you to explore and document your world's creatures with the Libri Animalia, a journal that can logs the Animals you've met and gives helpful information. You can even duplicate the information from one libri to an empty one by putting both the crafting area.
Farming: Animalia brings multiple livestock creatures, including Cows, Sheep, and Chickens. These mobs can all be lead around using their favorite food or the Lasso, and can also be bred if you have a male and female. Some Animals have visual differences to tell males from females, such as udders on female Cows, Tail feathers on Roosters, and Tusks on male Pigs. You can also use the Animal Net to catch Animals and check their gender, and how much they trust you (if applicable)
Companionship: Animalia also adds multiple Pets with different taming methods and uses. Wolves are simple to tame and will protect you and your livestock. Horses require you to break them and saddle them, and can traverse great distances. Cats are annoying, but cute and a fun companion to keep around your house, keep your glass vessels in a safe area and be sure to play with them regularly to build trust.
Depth: A multitude of ambient Animals add a bit of depth to your world. Chirping Bats in caves that swarm when approached. Singing Birds that sick near their nests in trees and fly in beautiful flocks. Chirping Frogs in Swamps that use their long tongues to eat bugs.
This mod will be updated in themed phases. Currently, there is the initial Livestock update, The Domestication update, and the Ambience update. Sometimes, Animals that fit into a prior role will be added outside of a major update, such as Turkeys and Reindeer.
Many future updates are planned, and I gladly take suggestions.
It just works. ;)
The new update is here, and the mobs look fantastic! The mob_core base shows off how advanced (and very animal specific) the behaviors can be now. Seriously, it's amazing (I love the head tilt!). It surely puts a standard for other mods to follow to grant an experience that won't bore you and will keep the player willing to interact more with their, now very much more alive, surroundings.
My favorite animal mod
If you want to add basic animals to your world, I recommend this mod. The animals seem less janky than those from mobs_animal, and they have more unique behaviors. In my opinion, their textures and models also look nicer. The head movements are a nice touch.
I was amazed
The animals are very beautiful, you can see the quality of your programming, and they behave and work very properly. I love it
Suggestions: Since you have put symbols "???" I will take the liberty of giving you ideas that occur to me, you are the developer so there you know haha, mobs in the dark and for caves, not necessarily spiders or bats or the classic, although welcome, but also serpietes, species of insects and then that they have their respective neutrality or hostility, and fish, I know that there are already others that have made fish mobs but I would like to appreciate your quality haha. Best regards.
Very well animated, but buggy. Not recommended for survival maps
This mod is beautiful and adds a lot of life to my MTG survival server, but there are a few issues that pretty much break it for me, and the mod author does not appear to be interested in fixing them as they've been around for some time now.
First, taming horses is bugged as of two weeks ago.
Secondly, and much more egregious: animals despawn too often. They should be significantly far away from any player, say at least around a hundred nodes, before despawning. A horse that a user wanted to tame despawned within 50 nodes away from me, and while tied by a lasso to a fencepost. A song bird flew towards me and despawned in front of me. This was reported a bit ago, back in November.
At the moment I cannot recommend this mod for survival worlds. Raising livestock is impractical and impossible because they despawn before you can raise them, and horses have no use whatsoever because they cannot be tamed. It's still nice to have as it brings life to the world, but that's about the only benefit this mod brings to the table in its current state.
Early days but this is the one to watch
Among the best models/textures for animal mobs, especially in the terrestrial mob category. Better Fauna presents a very consistent feel across the various animals available, highlighting the care by ElCeejo put into designing each creature. Being mobkit based means there is also a lot of potential for advanced behaviours and interactions between these mobs to simulate an proper ecosystem.
**Onward to the future **
As the title states, it is early days, but I am looking forward to seeing the roster of animals expand until this can serve as the de facto animal mod to populate a whole world. Preferably this would mean biome specific animals, e.g. polar bears in snowy/ice biomes, foxes or badgers in forests, etc. to encourage exploration and give each biome a distinct feel. Though other mods more or less do this already, having a menagerie of 'real world animals' in ElCeejo's style would greatly enhance any Minetest game. If eventually there could be bonus animals for specific Ethereal biomes, that would be a real clincher.
Once the roster is more complete, or as it is developing, the second priority should be taking advantage of mobkit to make distinct behaviours and game-play experiences, establishing predator/prey dynamics and unique behaviours for mobs that affect the world. Animals like cows for example are more dangerous when cornered in real life than in Minetest, Minecraft or most similar games.
**Possible improvement to the current mod **
One minor point that could be improved would be to add a few different sounds per mob so that they can cycle through them and sound less repetitive. Maybe spacing out their calls more or making them more situation dependant would help too.
In closing
I am optimistic about Better Fauna's future. Though it current does not add many animals, each one is well executed.
Best animals mod currently
This is currently the dragon up the freeway when it comes to Minetest animal mods - a well polished work of art! Kudos to ElCeejo.
The Mobs
The animals themselves are well polished, have more behaviorial logic than any other mod not made by ElCeejo, and are really immersive!
The models stick to a consistent style which is asthetically pleasing and the textures go right along w/ the style to boot.
Sure, the mobs are going to end up being a bit robotic while walking around with nothing to do, but these are some of the least robotic mobs I've seen so far. Herding/Flocking behaviours stand out, as well as aerial predation (i.e. Owl)- I think they add a genius touch.
When you're dealing with all these behaviours, expect a bit of extra lag in return. This particular mod is pretty laggy for any public server, even with bird flocking nerfed :-)
However, it compares nicely with other mob mods like petz or mobs_animal per mob - These mods don't have even close to the amount of features animalia has, but don't optimize their code well enough to provide a significant lag differential, whereas animalia has pretty decent optimization. The (slight bit of) extra lag is worth it!
Very ambitious animal mod
It's in need of polish in a few places but considering some of the features and the consistent art style I can deal with it, although I don't think I'll have to for very long, the author is quite active
high quality and smooth
As i can see, my issue has been solved so its time to mention the good sides,
This mod includes high quality mobs, with cool textures and animations, after the last update it also became smooth.
good job o/
High quality animal mod!
Mobs in
are smoothly animated and fit the basic Minetest experience. In contrast to other complex mobs mods, none of them seem to be too weird – e.g. they are neither very big nor very small. The models and textures ofAnimalia
follow a consistent style, and mobs interact with each other in ways that make sense, e.g. owls hunt rats.I have noticed more occasional performance issues with
than with some other mods that provide less sophisticated animal mobs. I rarely experienced more than an mild framerate drop from time to time when playing Minetest in singleplayer mode though. Therefore I suspect calculating nice mob behaviour is computationally expensive in some ways.I suggest to install the
mod alongAnimalia
to tether domesticated animals to fenceposts.Beautiful textures and good animations.
These animals are brilliant! With slick animations, nice textures, actual lassos and bucking broncos, this really is the best animal mod yet. I would love to see different sorts of jungle animals here, such as snakes, tigers and such. 100% recommended! Thank you ElCeejo! I can't wait to see what's next.
I really like it
This mod is just amazing and far better than minecraft animals. These animals have much better models and varied sizes of sheep and cows and babies with smaller heads and bigger bodies make it amzing. Only the aspect of the wolf to attack sheep even after it is tamed is kind of annoying and then we need to barricade the sheep, but there is also another bug that the horse always kicks me out even when it is tamed and I cannot ride it.
Cool mod, but memory leak nuke bound
It seems pretty awesome at first, the animals seem cool with nice animations, you get great items like fried eggs.
But when I was playing this game on my singleplayer and went into a cave, suddenly everything became unresponsive. Guess what? It was this mod consuming HUGE amounts of memory in seconds, usage went from about 1 GB to 15! There's no way I can play this with such a disasterous bug!
Note: This may seem like a bug report, but I don't wanna go create an account on the propietary, microsoft controlled github, and someone already reported it.
Feels Lackluster like a Base and has many unaccounted-for Issues
Although my review isn't fully honest as I rather played with a modification for it in Centeria (that uses Mesecraft) - and randomly in creative (sometimes with damage enabled) - there are lots of issues that I'm surprised ElCeejo did not notice with this mod.
Admittedly, this mod is superior to most mob mods I've seen - using its own unique system to the more commonly used Mobs Redo - especially with its dynamicism and the most interesting aspect of it to me honestly - turning their heads to look at stuff. However for what cool features it has, it lacks some basics I'd expect such as not despawning tamed animals, full_punch_interval utilization, and lava/drowning harm. I would say sounds (for quite a few animals) but I know getting sounds is extremely difficult and it wouldn't be fair to judge that. There are issues with taming as well - wolves will NOT defend you or your livestock as the description says. And when you successfully tame a fox - they just keep on running away from you lol Flying animals will commonly get themselves stuck in water as well - the amount of times I've seen bats and owls in water is weirdly frequent. Due to step height, fish will indeed get themselves stuck on land and just flop to death.
With the above missing basics and issues, and lacking mod compatibility, it feels more like the Minetest game of mob mods - bland mix that requires more modding (code and content) to make it feel more alive and interactable with the environment. Though I know modding mobs is quite difficult so you oughtta cut ElCeejo some slack for that whole range of difficulty! That's why I was very impressed with the head turning.
I'm also personally not a fan of the fox texture - it looks weird and creepy-ish to me. Though I imagine fitting pixels within the said resolution is difficult so fair enough in that regard - I would be down to try to see if I can make one.
very good mod !
good mod but chicken skin get broken for me :(
Adds life to the world.
It does what it is supposed to. I enjoy encountering animals every now and then. I add this to every world I make.
Simply beautiful
This is literally one of the best mods for Minetest in my book, by far the best mob system available! It got everything right: The attention to detail is formidable, I spent over an hour playing with this to see how everything works together... the birds and how they fly together is just beautiful and extraordinary, couldn't believe I'm seeing that in Minetest.
One thing I greatly appreciate is that you haven't used any models that break the style: Most mob models make exceptions for curved / deformed boxes and / or using textures at various resolutions which is immediately noticeable when you look close... not here where everything is a cube / rectangle and pixel density is consistent with 16x texturing by default!
Lots of animals
I really like all those animals wandering so freely 😚️.
Best animal mod ever
The animals are great. This mod is like a minecraft mod. Their animations are smooth, their models and textures are well made. I'm really looking forward to this mods future and I can just recommend it.
Good implementation, good art, immersive
The best part of this mod is the art and models. They fit the voxel aesthetic of Minetest Game very well, much better than the Mobs Animal ones. The mobs also generally have good behaiviours, and are fun to play with. The spawning definitly needs improvement, though. On default settings, mobs are too rare, and searching the whole world just for some chickens is not fun. The net is in my opinion too overpowered, maybe should just work on smaller mobs like chickens and cats.
Nice basic mobs
adds simple animal life you would expect in a basic world, while being very performant
Me encanta
Me gustan mucho los modelos 3D, las animaciones y con que frecuencia aparecen los animales. Es muy refrescante y relajante ver los pajaros volar y caminar.
Awesome Mod! 10/10
The mod is so nice, especially on servers, also, the foxes are so cute! :3
Hermoso mod PERO!🥲
muy bonito y todo pero el problema es que los animales desaparecen muy de cerca apenas y me voy a acostar o me alejo unos 100 cubos y desaparecen entonces molesto porque vivo recolectando las gallinas y apenas volteo la cara puf desaparecieron el diseño es muy bonito en verdad le da vida al mapa pero no no funciona no sé ahí hay algo que está fallando está bueno para creativo o alguna otra cosa donde no sea supervivencia algún otro juego para que no pase eso y literal tengo la granja al lado de la cama 🥲 así no no recomiendo este mod
Meine Meinung
Es spawnen zu viele tiere
Great mod!
This is a really easy way to add wild animals and farm animals so you can farm them. It is one of my favorite mods. Also, I love the head tilt. So life-like!
Excellent mod, cute animals!
This mod is really well made. It adds the needed life to the game.
Plethora indeed!
Lots of animal life added with this mod
Good overall but bats are horrible.
All the animals are nice and polished in terms of graphics and lag....except for bats. They have atendancey to severly lag my server and they also break minecart rails and my users and I are really getting annoyed with this as the guano piles up all over the place even when all settings related to guano are set to false, which also lags the server hard. It would be nice to have an option to remove them.
Really nice
The animals are very cute and act like they should. My favorite so far are the opossums, at first i thought they were nocturnal then found out they were pretending to sleep when i was around lol- I look forward to see more cute animals :D
i have some animals i wanna request added: butterflies, dolphins, and any others u think of...
and maybe in the future we can have different models of wolves/dogs , like with the frogs? if u wanna :) no pressure! but i really like the mod, keep up the good work! :D
Ill keep my review up to date with the newest versions also :-)
Amazing animations
This mod is essential, I feel less alone when I play solo :'(
The animals are very realistic whether the noises, the textures or even the animations (which I find really very realistic with the trips).
Wow very good work, keep going .
Super cute
The models and textures are just lovely. The animals are incredibly pretty and super cute. There's a good variety of them, so they will definitely spice up your game.
They are, however, mostly ambient and don't really do all that much. Most of the time they just walk in small circles until they get stuck somewhere. It'd be great if they'd travel around a bit more so that the animals travel around rather than just stay in one area.
One of the best mod, but
if you set owl near (or on )some tree where it can live in real life for a long time - in game - we got it disappeared and flew away forever :// So not working as fauna atmospheric addition to revive the landscape.
Best Mobs Mod
These are very high quality. I'm pretty sure there hasn't been any mobs this high quality before in Minetest. I highly recommend this.
One of the finest Mob mod
This mod really deserves a good amount of appreciation, as its features are next level good Models, sounds, Textures, Other game compatibility, mob equipment and many more things that makes this mod very special and gives the user an amazing experience,thank you for providing such a great mod to us
Very good mod for new mobs
Very good mod for new mobs, A lot of animals, I hope that the mod will not be abandoned
Overall great mod
While i've yet to explore everything this mod has. Seems to be well put together and creates a great athmoshpere and liveliness, even if some parts needs polish. Biggest annoyance are birds and their towers of nests, and how they seem to stop at nothing to put their nests in one location.
Still a great addition to the game, and a mod i will likely continue playing with.
Fantastic Animals Mod, But One Issue
I really like this animal mod. The models look great and the AI is pretty good. However, I do have one issue. For some reason the chickens are not laying eggs. I have two hens and a rooster in my house and after a very long time, no eggs have been laid. What am I missing? Furthermore, I searched through the chicken.lua file, and I can't find any code for the chickens to lay eggs. Maybe it's just me, but I'd like my chickens to lay eggs. Haha.
Anyway, great mod, and I highly recommend it.
Nice and matching textures, but boring animals
I really like the textures of the animals and the smooth animations/movements. They are nice and match each other pretty well. But the animals don't seem to be very active... They are mostly just standing around and turning directions and then they move mabye one block in a minute or walk in cicles. This makes the animals unforunately very boring. They definetely have to be more active and walk around more and not stay in one place all the time. Otherwise it doesn't feel very natural.
I hope that this can be improved, because I really like the rest of the mod!
Best animal mod so far
I originally used mobs_animal but it felt too basic. This mod is very good and well made. it should be included in Minetest_game
Very Good
Very good mod, and nice clean well balanced models, my only problem is that the animals over spawn massively, they just spawn in big clusters and never stop spawning
looks good!!
I really like the look of these animals :) ist it already possible to breed them?
Muy bonito
La recreacion es genial, los modelos y texturas son muy bonitos
Intresting animals
Very much cool animals.
Looks good, GOOD!
arrow appear enlarged when hit a mob
if the mob is hit by an arrow, the arrow will appear enlarged when the mob doesn't die at that time https://photos.app.goo.gl/P1rwmjrWtm1Ryk676
A step in the right direction
Original review (shortened): Crashes every once in a while and animals of all specieses often just run in circles. Nevertheless it is better than the Mobs Animal stuff where you can't shear the sheep and milk the cows. The animals also react and are visually affected when they take hits or die unlike in Mobs Animal. I was also able to tame a horse and put a saddle on it using it for faster travel. The models and animations are really good.
However they are way too dumb. They walk off of cliffs and right into lava. Somehow horses can sometimes stand on lava flooded hills and not take damage which really breaks the immersion.
29.4.24: Mod author left the mod abandoned for 8 months in an unplayable state. It used to crash the game randomly and quite frequently and it's not an easy to uninstall mod. It also creates nodes everywhere. This slime that overgrows all cave floors and makes it hard to see the resources and birdnests. It's a pest. Mod would be better without them.
I recomend for (mineclone 2)
only issue I have and I think there may be a fix but I get this error whenever I hit an animal in this mod: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod '??' in callback luaentity_Punch(): ...\bin..\games\mineclone2\mods\HUD\mcl_inventory\init.lua:201: bad argument #1 to 'get_player_by_name' (string expected, got userdata) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'get_player_by_name' ...\bin..\games\mineclone2\mods\HUD\mcl_inventory\init.lua:201: in function 'is_creative_enabled' ...neTest\minetest-5.6.1-win64\bin..\mods\creatura/api.lua:448: in function 'basic_punch_func' ...st\minetest-5.6.1-win64\bin..\mods\animalia/api/api.lua:569: in function <...st\minetest-5.6.1-win64\bin..\mods\animalia/api/api.lua:568>
God damn good group behaviors for birds
Group behavior
Awesome birds synchronized flights last time I checked.
Cpu usage
when taking damage they way mobs escape is quite weird.
Uh... not sure if this happens to anyone else
when an animal spawns they are standing still they do not move unless you hit them and after you hit them they just start running in circles forever