Returns a new, empty CFG structure.
- gs_cfg.load
file_path -> Path to a text file.
Returns a CFG structure with the values stored in the specified text file.
- cfg:set_value
section -> A section name.
key -> A key string.
value -> Any supported value.
Assigns a value to a key in a section.
- cfg:get_value
section -> A section name.
key -> A key string.
Returns the value of a key from a section.
- cfg:save
file_path -> Path to a text file.
Writes the CFG structure to a CFG text file.
- cfg:get_sections
Returns all section names as strings in an table.
- cfg:has_section
section -> A section name.
Returns whether a section exists.
- cfg:has_key
section -> A section name.
key -> A key string.
Returns whether a key exists in a section.
- cfg:delete_section
section -> A section name.
Deletes an entire section with all its keys.
- cfg:delete_key
section -> A section name.
key -> A key string.
Deletes a key.
- cfg:get_keys
section -> A section name.
Returns all key names from a section as strings in an table.
- cfg:clear
Removes everything from a CFG structure.
- cfg:to_string
Returns the entire CFG structure as a human-readable string.
- cfg:get_type
section -> A section name.
key -> A key string.
Returns the type of a value.
Supported value types
- String
- Number
- Boolean
- Nil
- Table