mt-modsA next-generation inventory
Advanced Trains
orwellAdds good-looking, realistic trains with realistic rails.
jordan4ibanezAn operating system.
Mobs Redo API
TenPlus1Simple and feature rich API to quickly add mobs into your world.
SokomineExplore the world and find villages of diffrent types. Buy a house in a village and settle down.
ElCeejoA performant, semi-modular, Animal focused mob API
ZughyLibrary to create any mini-game you have in mind
Meshport (Luanti Mesh Exporter)
random_geekEasily export areas in Luanti to meshes for 3D rendering.
Find Biome
WuzzyAdd commands to list and find biomes
mt-modsEntity API
Chat Command Builder
rubenwardyA library to make registering chat commands easier
Collectible Skins
ZughyWear and unlock skins
music modpack
mt-modsMusic modpack with API for easy in-game music playback and custom track registration.
sirrobzerooneAllows the stacking of slabs vertically and horizontally
IcyDiamondTinkers Construct in Minetest!
APercyA lib for airplanes and some useful tools
LukeA formspec library that automatically positions and sizes elements
Modding Library
LMDMultipurpose Minetest Modding Library
AdvTrains Livery Tools
MarnackLivery tools for Advanced Trains mods.
mt-modsa library that aims to facilitate other mods to be game agnostic by handling sounds and crafting
Visible Wielditem
LMDShows your wielditem
CS:MT (BlockAssault)
LogikíA first person shooter game with multiple features
ZughyLibrary to easily manage sounds (accessibility options!)
Mob Core
mt-modsA Mob API meant to expand upon mobkit and bring easy to use features for creating new Mobs.
Yourland Speak up
SokomineNPCs deliver speeches
Extended Tooltips
WuzzySupport for custom tooltip extensions for items
Resize Me!
VeproGamesBecome an Ant or a Giant! Exposes API
smartshop (flux's fork)
fluxionarya smarter and easier shop
Guns4d (library)
fatalerror420Adds a library for 3d guns
IcyDiamondA powerful modpack
Fire Plus
LandarVarganAllows players to be lit on fire.
Warr1024A collection of misc dependency-free utilities primarily for server hosts
Air Currents (wind)
SumiAdds wind and air currents which can push objects and players.
Playtime Recorder
LejoUse /playtime to get the time you played
Discord-Minetest Relay
archfan7411Mod + external program providing Discord relaying and commands.
Tools Using the Node Damage and Repair System
NoodlemireOverrides pre-existing tools to make them cause persistent node damage.
Formspec AST
LukeA library to help other mods interpret formspecs.
Unicode Text
erleThis library can be used to render UTF-8 encoded Unicode text to a texture (e.g. with tga_encoder). It is intended to be used from code that needs to render in-game signs.
OgelGamesFake userdata library
moreblocks and stairsplus
fluxionaryadds various blocks to the game