
add an api to create bosses

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For Luanti 5.0 and above

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add an api to create bosses

//Functions Create entity

function register_monster( name,
mesh, textures, attack_type, pasivo, size_x, size_y, speed, hp, sound, name_entity )

name = name of the entity (with the mod name before the :) example --"boss:boss"--

mesh = 3d model to use for the entity, example --"name.b3d"-- most common formats supported by minetest: b3d, obj

textures = texture to use for the entity, example --"name.png"

attack_type = type of attack, ground ("land") or air ("air")

pasivo = indicates whether or not the entity is passive, false or true

size_x = indicates the size in x of the entity (only the number)

size_y = indicates the size in y of the entity (only the number)

speed = indicates the speed of the entity (only the number)

hp = indicates the max hp that the entity will have (only the number)

sound = indicates the sound when attack,example "punch"

name_entity = indicates the name of entity in hud ,example "boss"

example with everything mentioned


//Create egg

function register_egg(name,textures,description)

name = name of the entity (with the mod name before the :) example --"boss:boss"-- must match the previously created entity

textures = texture to use for the egg, example "name.png"

description = description of the egg



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