HCBP 18_01 Parasite - beta

Adds an Injector, Containing a sample of the HCBP 18_01 Parasite (Highly Contageous Blood Parasite). use on your enemys. and or your friends, if youre a backstabber!

Gore Mobs / Animals / NPCs Multiplayer-focused Player Effects / Power Ups Puzzle Player customization / Skins Strategy / RTS

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How do I install this?

this is a beta, expect a lot more work to be applied to this, including: better animations, sounds ect. oh, and MORE PARISITES! and spacific syringes to go with them! (expect a better long-description to!)

---i think i fixed all of the bugs, so if you find any please tell me, thanks

---basic entity based horrors! i will ask tenplus1 if i can make the parisites be able to infect the mobs from his mob mods very soon!



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Русский


    Отличный мод! Идея достаточно интересная для зомби-режимов, возможно, стоило бы сделать управление монстром на стороне игрока, а не кикать его с сервера, или хотя бы перевести его в режим "наблюдателя". Так же, было бы очень здорово интегрировать этот мод с legboat, это позволило бы добавить больше атмосферы

    Great mod! The idea is quite interesting for zombie modes, perhaps it would be worthwhile to make the monster control on the player's side, and not kick it from the server, or at least transfer it to the "spectator" mode. Also, it would be very cool to integrate this mod with legboat, this would add more atmosphere