a tablet used to locate: players, dropped items, entitys, and anything else that falls under the entity catagory! simply hold it, and the screen will show up, rightclick it to the air to open the search menu, you can inpute a name or even a part of the name, and all the entitys around you with that name, (or have that as part of their name will show up on the radar screen.) you can also use this to find/hunt down nearby mobs/players. all good fun, and it blips to!
-- there was a problum with hud screen scaling. when it is used on a larger monitor, so i added a command to scale it.
so you can set it to a nice scale that fits your gaming needs! (just scale it to a number that fits your screen.) (you will know its at the right scale when the info bars at the top of the device are aligned with the black behind them."as shown above in the instructional screenshot.")
(0.425) works pretty good for my laptop screen, (0.75) seems to work pretty good for my bigger monitor screen.
--this mod should suppport most games you try to combine it with. (mineclone works surprisingly well!)
just the thing that all fnaf fans need
this wondrous piece of engineering sent me flying into an adventure even in a testing world in creative mode:
first i, like an young duckling (ducklingz are sort of already young, so a young duckling is double the default young), staggering and... uhh... shuffling, discovered how to properly use the filter, while standing in a silent taiga, with a stout steel dagger being all i had...
and it was nightfall, and with nightfall came darkness. first, certain of inhabitants of my world, i wrote: "monster", into the filter input field. the device beeped louder, signaling that, in close proximity, was a mese monster hiding... perhaps sealed in a cave: not something worrysome.
through the snow, i lurched forth, in spite of the siberian frost taking a hold of me. the thousand-year spruces towered over the cold ground; the stars, indifferent, the only source of light in this kingdom.
suddenly, the device picked up a signal: some fifty meters front of me awaited a tree monster. i came, i saw, i conquered it.
then, i discovered that writing nothing in the tablet's input field makes it see every mob that is there, instead of some specific one. i proceeded towards one dot on the scanner. it was already too late when i read that it was a spider: he had already dived right on my head...
!!! but there is a problm: apparentliez, the device's X-axis is sort of messed up, cuz the dots are... in the opposite direction from where they should be, relative to the origin point!
overall: i liek it, and liek it very sincerely