sfan5In-game world editor. Use it to repair griefing, or just create awesome buildings in seconds.
Schematic Editor
WuzzyAdvanced tool for modders and advanced users to create and edit schematics.
Skyblock: Zero
zanderdevStart from absolutely nothing in a skyblock world. Time is your resource.
Void - An empty game
LinuxdirkThe purpose of this game is to test mods in an absolutely “clean” environment with absolutely no “3rd-party” mods
Find Biome
WuzzyAdd commands to list and find biomes
Woolen Mesh Creator
entulandNot only wool! Miniaturizes builds and allows rebuilding them too
LuaJIT Profiler
jwmhjwmhProfile mods using LuaJIT's built-in profiler.
Formspec Editor
Just_VisitingA Realtime in-game formspec viewer/editor
BuckarooBanzaimapgen mod creator
Development Test
LuantiTesting environment for engine or mod development.
ZughyLibrary to easily manage sounds (accessibility options!)
Yourland Speak up
SokomineNPCs deliver speeches
Not actually the bare minimum
SumiVery little content so you can build off it. Totally permissive, you can relicense it or do whatever.
LukeA way for admins to run and save Lua snippets.
entulandAn image / bumpmap importer mod
Silver SandstoneCuts the world in half.
fluxionarya tool for testing the behavior of tnt
SkyBuilder1717Adds a lot of helpful commands for your server
Better Command Blocks
ThePython10110Adds command blocks similar to those from a certain other voxel game.
Object Tracking Tablet
Soundwaveza fun new item used to locate: players, dropped items, entitys, and anything else that falls under the object catagory!
EmptyStarSearchable biome database for robust biome selection
sofarAn in-game tool to inspect node parameters and metadata.
Node Touch Action
NeuromancerPass in a node name and a function, and every time a player touches that node, the function happens
LMDDebugging on steroids
ASCII Art Schematics
Warr1024Manage Minetest schematics as ASCII art.
Lua Wand
Zemtzov7Tool with programmable on_use
fluxionarydebugging tools for server admins
Runtime Strictness
LMDDisallows questionable usage of the Lua API & Lua itself to help catch errors
Flow Inspector
LukeAn "inspect element" helper for flow GUIs
NeuromancerAllows converting .lua schematics files to .mts files.
Perlin Explorer
WuzzyDeveloper tool to create previews of Perlin noises
bell07A mods development / QA helper
beaver700nhImproves in-game QOL by adding helpful commands
Texture Generator
LMDDynamically generated texture packs
fluxionaryflux's utility mod
dibesferAbsolute blank template to start your projects from.
Ingame Editor for Yourland Speak up mod
SokomineEdit ingame what NPCs say without server restart
Chest with Everything
ROllerozxaAdds a chest node containing all registered nodes, items and tools.
Cave Generator
NoordstarA custom cave generator engine