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Monoid for Player Lighting

How to use

This mod provides a single object named lighting_monoid.

It is an extension for player_monoids and uses the same methods as the monoids there. See the player_monoids API documentation for general information.

The lighting monoid expects the same lighting definition as player:set_lighting(). See Minetest API docs. However, this allows to create separated update layers that will be aggregated before being applied. This allows for changes from multiple mods.

Each property of the lighting definition will be aggregated with the respective property of each other update layer. You can leave properties undefined to not change them at all.

Property aggregation

Properties will be aggregated in different ways. Here is the full list:

  • saturation will be multiplied
  • shadows
  • intensity will be multiplied
  • exposure
  • luminance_min will be added
  • luminance_max will be added
  • speed_dark_bright will be multiplied
  • speed_bright_dark will be multiplied
  • center_weight_power will be multiplied


This example creates an update layer that doubles the current shadow intensity:

local lighting = {
    shadows = { intensity = 2 }
lighting_monoid:add_change(player, lighting, "mymod:some_name")

In order to revert that change, you can remove the layer like so:

lighting_monoid:del_change(player, "mymod:some_name")

In order to modify a layer, simply call add_change again using the same name as before. This will completely replace a layer, including properties that are left nil in the new definition.

Additional Notes

This mod aims to resolve conflicts between mods that use the lighting API. Mods that don't use this compatibility layer will still conflict as before. A compatibility patch for the enable_shadows mod is included.

This mod will set a reasonable shadow intensity by default rather than leaving the value at zero or one. If you wish to revert it to one, simply delete the layer:

lighting_monoid.del_change(player, "lighting_monoid:base_shadow")

The applied effects also depend on the game version.

  • Shadows are only available in MT v5.6.0+.
  • Saturation and exposure settings require v5.7.0+ to have an effect but can safely be set in v5.6.0.


Code licensed under MIT, no media assets used.



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