A Survival Hunt Game
Game Story
You are part of an elite rescue team sent deep into the jungle to investigate a series of brutal attacks on local villages. The villagers whisper of a BEAST a relentless predator hunting them one by one, Your mission was to rescue survivors and eliminate the threat. Deeper into the jungle, your team is ambushed. Communication with base is comprimised Unseen movements in the shadows, piercing screams in the dark , This is no ordinary predator. You were sent to hunt. Now, you are hunted, Survival is your only mission, Explore The Map to know Beast's true intention
Code under GPL 3.0+
Media Under CC BY SA 4.0
Other Mods and their License's----
(Mod name | Mod License )
- newhand | cc0
- Player_api | MIT
- sfinv | MIT
- creative | MIT
- mobs | MIT
- default | LGPL 2.1
- screwdriver | LGPL 2.1
- the_build_spawner | GPL 3.0
- mtfoods | GPL 3.0+
- cyber_car | WTFPl
A short game
ETB begins with a sort of expository presentation on the background and history to put you in the scene.
It's a complete game, and it's one of the few I actually played from start to finish.
You explore a bit, find certain key areas, go into the beast's lair and defeat it, a very straightforward story.
Seems like a lot of effort went into crafting the world and creating the whole scenario, so I'd say it accomplishes the task, even if it is a bit rough around the edges.
Cool short game, where it actually turns out you CAN kill the beast. I just grabbed lots of leaf blocks and when I got to the beast, I placed a block on the stairs and all-tooled the blocked beast slowly to death.
It was cool exploring the world in general too. You can go back to your base and get lots of food. However I didn't need it.
Needs polish
Some formspec elements don't match up correctly, and the giant tree is pink, but doesn't appear to be missing a texture, so I'm not really sure what's going on with that. Some of the body parts laying around just float in the air. Shacks appear to have some sort of shading issue on the back of them. The underlying concept could work, but needs a little love.
Feels very unprofessional
This game has a simple quest: You must slay some hidden beast. To do that, you have to discover two areas and then drop into some kind of dungeon.
The graphics are custom and include 3D models but everything looks really bad and clunky.
Then the game has a lot of bugs: The beast didn't even spawn in the final arena (and I didn't bother to check why). There are missing textures. You can dig through the ground and fall into the void (and the game doesn't reset you).
The game overall is quite boring. The quest is too simple, you basically just have to walk in a small forest to reach targets on a map. The map helps you.
The final dungeon looked a bit better than the rest, but it still was just a (mostly) simple linear corridor and unfortunately, at the end, no beast to be found here (bug?).
Short puzzle with an underwhelming boss
It's an interesting playthrough - unfortunately, the items hardly equip you for what you're supposed to do and the tips are a bit misleading (because the map is misdrawn, although this may be a creative touch by the author). Basically, you need to visit a particular location which will tell you where to go to find the boss, or just visit the location to begin with (there are no enforceable steps). Once you go through a few mazes, you arrive in the boss' underground chamber. The boss is super overpowered compared to you with your wimpy sword, but you can outrun him, so just gradually hit him as you run out of his grasp - once you know that, there's nothing to it. He does get a bit faster once he is low HP, but not fast enough to be a problem in my opinion. A potential exploit I found is that you can stay in your car once you get down to the boss, and he eventually destroys your car, but it seems like it damages his HP a lot - not sure. Unfortunately, I could hardly play the game because of the very heavy models, which tanked my fps like crazy. Granted, I'm on an older computer, but you should definitely have a decent GPU if you play this - there are some really neat models but they have way too many vertices for my GPU. Additionally, the textures are grainy and because the game uses numerous models, it gets super grainy along model edges, which is a bit hard on the eyes. A few textures are missing too, like the ones for the ancient tree.
IMO this should probably also be marked (content flags) as Gore, because the random body limbs strewn around the map are a bit shocking.
My Review
I played it, but the map didn't load in correctly, so there wasn't any village, or any structures, or any trees besides the big one at the start.
Short but cryptic
This game is pretty short, but it's an interesting idea. The bossfight is kinda the only part of the game and is pretty repetitive, althoug once it gets down to low health it gets faster and can finally catch up to you.
Too cryptic
The game has a nice premise: it puts the player in a context, briefly explaining the plot. Unfortunately, after that the atmosphere kind of fades, leaving the player to solve riddles that are too vague and/or that might result in the player roaming for a lot of time. The lack of a soundtrack and some non cohesive graphics don't help with the immersion, which is why I personally stopped playing it after 5 minutes