Mod Name "intllib"
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The Origin
WuzzyAdds a single starter block below the first spawn position in singlenode, called “The Origin”
Hi_WorldYou're on a strange planet, with 8 exciting biomes and a perpetual night, but beware, there are monsters ready to hunt you!
Jail Escape
StarNinjasEscape the Jail! Don't get caught!
Voxel Dungeon
NoodlemireThis is a recreation and adaptation of an Android rogue-like game, Pixel Dungeon by Watabou.
Points of Interest
ClydeMod to create or visit Points of Interest
World Borders
argyleAdd impenetrable barriers to the sides and bottom of the world.
JALdMICA little experiment.Warning very early version,more a concept than a complete game.
Warning: Non-free code.
Surprise Blocks
WuzzyRandomly spawns surprise blocks closely about ground level.
1248Fight monsters, collect XP, craft battleaxes, armor, guns and lots more.
Regnum 2
1248This is the second part of Regnum
Just_VisitingAdds fun rocks to bring new life to your survival and creative creations!
Advtrains Subway NY
AdvT. SupplementalSubway cars loosely based on New York/American transit
loosewheelCars and road tracks (function similar to rail carts).
Advtrains Trans-Siberian (Transib)
AdvT. SupplementalA Russian TEM-2 and large coal hopper for AdvTrains
Advtrains Zugspitzbahn
AdvT. SupplementalA locomotive and passenger wagon of the Bavarian Zugspitzbahn
TfL S7 Stock Modpack
AdvT. SupplementalLondon Underground / TfL S7 Stock pack for AdvTrains
loosewheelScratch programmable robots.
LWComputers Software
loosewheelSoftware for LWComputers.
Advtrains Freight Train
AdvT. SupplementalAdds a set of freight wagons and a lightweight locomotive for AdvTrains
loosewheelVarious components for mesecons and digilines.
zeunerProvides a GUI frontend for the educational staff.
Edutest Chatcommands
zeunerProvides chatcommands for the educational staff.
Epic Combat
hilolFight your enemies with various weapons and protect yourself with distinct sets of Armour, whilst sharpening your skills in PVP and PVE.
WuzzyDecorative dice blocks which face a random direction.
Just_VisitingA Particle-based Waterfalls/Lavafalls Mod
Etherium Stuff
alerikaisatteraDecorative stuff using ethereal's etherium dust
Advtrains BBÖ 1080
AdvT. SupplementalBBÖ electric locomotive 1080 and ware wagon
Advtrains Train Rocket
AdvT. SupplementalA model Stephenson's rocket and some barrel wagons
LunovoxProtection of land on payment of periodic rate.
LunovoxIt adds various types of money, exchange table, Dispensing Machines, ATMs in stores.
Travelnet for Hades Revisited
SFENCENetwork of teleporter-boxes that allow easy travelling to other boxes on the same network. Compatible with travelnet removed from Hades Revisited in release 0.13.0.
Color Cubes
WuzzyThis mod contains several colorful abstract blocks for decoration.
Advtrains DB 160 (E60)
AdvT. SupplementalAdds a DB BR 160 / E60 electric shunting locomotive for advtrains
Advtrains Orient Express
AdvT. SupplementalA locomotive and carriages of the CIWL Orient Express
carlos_ruppAction game in ancient Egypt.
Signs Extra
Hume2Two new signs: blue banner and billboard
Proxima Survival
debiankaiosSurvival on Proxima Centauri B. Not working on it now.
loosewheelVarious colorable decorative blocks.
Secrets of the Space Parable
StarNinjasImagine being alone. In a spacecraft. This is you.
FaceDeerAdds components for building modular tunnel boring machines
crabycowman123game jam submission
sofarThis mod expands the basic set of farming-related crops that minetest_game offers.
Map Tools
CalinouAdds various special versions of normal blocks, tools, and other map maintainer tools.
Mods pack for Hades Revisited
SFENCEPack of mods for subgame Hades Revisited.
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
ClydeAdds some Barchairs.
Cucina Vegana
ClydeAdds plants and spices for a vegan kitchen
SokomineExplore the world and find villages of diffrent types. Buy a house in a village and settle down.
Wooden Bucket
Hume2A bucket made of wood for new farmers
LW Wires
loosewheelWires and bundle cables.
Veil of the Unknown
StarNinjasExperience a world of complete blindness. Try you best to survive without the gift of sight.
gpcfNice trains for Advtrains
loosewheelAdds programmable computers and robots, and sundry.
philipbenrThis is a modpack all about creating castles and castle dungeons.
JavaFXpertTeaching Quantum Computing using Qiskit in a block world
SokomineBuild medieval cottages with furniture, window shutters and roofs, thresh your wheat, repair your tools.
Droog71Moon Habitat Simulator
Thunder1035A Pacman inspired game
WuzzyAdds some different ground blocks in several wetness levels; the wetness slowly flows downward.
LW Creative Tools
loosewheelTools for creative mode.
Disco trains
sivarajansamAdds colorful subway trains to advanced trains
Cottages for Hades Revisited
SFENCEBuild medieval cottages with furniture, window shutters and roofs, thresh your wheat.
Mirror of Returning
WuzzyAdds a magical item which teleports the user to a previously set location.
Occupy Moon
rlarsThis game will send you to the moon!
Minetest Extended
PetiAPocokThe extended version of the default Minetest Game.
Warning: Non-free media.
QuantumBuilder - a QiskitBlocks fork
MIROFork of JavaFXpert/QiskitBlocks - Game that teaches quantum computing
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.
cheapieAdvanced modern road infastructure (fork)
RealBadAngelExtensive machinery mod with electricity and ores.
SamBas700adds hardcore mobs be careful (please enable shaders)
mt-modsBlockColor is a creative sandbox with only 8 colors.
Sim Trains
NazalassaAdds some trains, for use with Advtrains.
Advtrains Japanese Tram TLR0600
AdvT. SupplementalA tram for Advtrains inspired by the Japanese TLR0600 tram.
Lord of the Test
AmazLOTR-inspired subgame. Explore the world of Middle-Earth, the one subgame to rule them all!
AstrobeFight, farm, explore, build. Solo or multiplayer.
MeseCraftThe best game for Minetest. A survival game with new depth, mechanics, biomes, mobs and many essential additions. Has a focus on being fun, user-friendly, stable, and minimalist but featured.
Technic Plus
mt-modsTechnic fork with focus on features and stability