The Build Spawner

Gives build spawner for spawning builds which makes city creation easy

Building Building Mechanics and Tools Creative Decorative

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For Luanti 5.4 and above

How do I install this?

This mod allows players to spawn buildings

It is a pretty simple mod to use by players, just right click on any surface with build spawner to spawn builds. Users can also add their own structures in build spawner, for more details on how it is done check readme file.

For now in this mod the following basic builds are added-

  • School

  • Hotel

  • Houses

  • Mini Shops

  • Bank

  • Bakery

  • Police station

  • Church

  • Cemetery

  • Mall

  • Hospital

  • Restruant

  • Towers

This mod also features few colorful building blocks called concrete



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Place some amateur builds, few redeeming qualities as a 'mod'

    This mod includes WorldEdit format schematics for several builds, presumably the author's work. The builds are standard block game fare, nothing particularly exciting or realistic. People with a few hours' experience in any block game could put similar builds together. There is a decent selection of buildings that would be expected in a town: Towers and houses, shops, a hospital, a restaurant and so on.

    The building spawner items are named in an orderly scheme but have random choice of capitalisation and use of underscores. The dimensions of the building are noted. The art for the spawner items is basic representative of the concept sometimes. However the same icons are reused many times, so you have no real idea what a spawner is just by looking at your hotbar.

    The main issue I have with this project is that it's marketed as a helpful mod. However, the value proposition is the schematics themselves and having nifty items to hold them. The actual placing is just as hard as having your own copy of the schematics installed in your world directory and using worldedit's //load to place them yourself. The author's only tweak compared to doing that is to offset the placement position slightly.

    This mod dissapoints me with what it could be. It could include previews and help when placing the schematic, so you don't place it over the top of something else accidentally. It could give you handy tools to rotate and flip the preview along axes. These are the sorts of tools we know are possible in Minetest with mods like Edit. It could give you an easy tool to save your own schematics, and probably even have custom images for them. Instead it's just a pack of builds and the most rudimentary tool conceivable to spawn them with.

    Review concludes in a comment

  • Infrastructure building

    What can be best than build your own city by adding buildings.

  • A cool mod

    Your mod enabled me to make an underground city owned by me but I do have requests for you. Firstly could you add homedecor elements using the homedecor modpack. Secondly please improve the hotel it is very small.


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