Minetest Game
MinetestThe classic "Minetest". A lightweight and well-maintained base for modding
ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft.
mt-modsA next-generation inventory
Johannes FritzAllows copying, pasting, filling, deleting, replacing and saving 3D areas
SokomineBuild medieval cottages with furniture, window shutters and roofs, thresh your wheat, repair your tools.
Loria (alpha)
siegmentSurvival in hardcore acid-alien sci-fi themed world
RisingLeafObserve terrain and players from anywhere.
Woolen Mesh Creator
entulandNot only wool! Miniaturizes builds and allows rebuilding them too
Cave Game
oliveThe simplest block game.
x2048Adds terraforming tools to your creative toolbox
Stapled Bread
KrockAdds the functionality to staple bread to trees
Pixel ImPerfection
bramaudiPixel Im(proved)Perfection aim to be close and familiar to Minecraft texture.
Universal geometry realm
paramatCreate worlds of varying shapes
creative fuel
Oxalisinfinite fuel
Extruder Tool
fgazAdds an extruder tool that can extend continuous surfaces towards the node face that was clicked
VoxeLibre Furniture and decorations
rudzik8Adds more decoration and furniture blocks to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) and Mineclonia
The Build Spawner
Thunder1035Gives build spawner for spawning builds which makes city creation easy
WorldEdit Additions
StarbeamrainbowlabsExtra tools and commands to extend WorldEdit. Currently has over 70 commands!
ROllerozxaA basic studded brick building game for Minetest
rlarsThis mod allows you to plan and build tunnels and rails for Advtrains.
kestralEasily create arbitrarily curved tunnels, paths, and bridges.
zorman2000Generic item shelf with 3D items on display
Simple Xray
MikeRedwoodMakes stone and desert stone see through, also works with nether mod
Interior Decor
wsor4035adds some decor items with limited functionality
Block Exchange
BuckarooBanzaiCloud worldedit schema exchanger
Badass Mech (or cool mech)
SoundwavezAn addon that adds a badass mech, or “BAM” (this is a cool mech if the name is in any way confusing).
Map Tools
CalinouAdds various special versions of normal blocks, tools, and other map maintainer tools.
WuzzyDecorative cups.
Cloud Control
ROllerozxaControl whether clouds are enabled on per-player basis
JALdMICThis mod is for try to sponsor the Makehuman and give the player a more realistic model
Cave Explorer
Hume2An utility for cave exploring in creative
ofgJapanese hiragana blocks
ROllerozxaAllows you to put the selected node in an empty slot of your hotbar when you're in creative mode.
Minetest Classic
sfan5The classic Minetest-c55 0.3 experience brought back
More TNT
mittelmaessigercoder2Adds more TNT
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.
cheapieFully functional realistic elevators
fluxionarya tool for testing the behavior of tnt
Smart Inventory
bell07A fast player inventory with focus on a many number of items and big screens
EmptyStarResearch items to unlock duplication