Lookup Tool

Adds a tool which shows help entries about almost anything which it punches.

GUI Tools / Weapons / Armor

Download (42 KB)
For Luanti 5.0 and above

How do I install this?

Lookup Tool [doc_identifier]


The lookup tool is an useful little helper which can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies blocks, dropped items and other objects and it shows extensive information about the item on which it is used, provided documentation is available.

How to use the lookup tool

Punch any block or item about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the help entry of this particular item. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by a right-click. In liquid mode (blue) this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode (red) this is not the case. Liquid mode is required if you want to identify a liquid.



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