
Allows building of tubes to let players travel from point point in seconds (900 km/h)

Plants and Farming Transport

Download (564 KB)

How do I install this?

The fast and modern way of travelling.

  • Hyperloop allows travelling from point point in seconds (900 km/h) :-)
  • Hyperloop tubes can be build in teamwork together with other players
  • It can be used even on small servers (Raspberry PI) without lagging
  • No configuration or programming of the tube network is necessary (only the station names have to be entered)

To the Tutorial



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Does what it says and does it well!

    Simple, straightforward, and speedy. Would be nice to be able to see out of the sides but perhaps it's to hide jankiness from the speed.

    I'm not sure about the advertized 990 Km/h, though... It took me about 6 seconds to go 250 meters and 16 to go 400. I also would love configurable speeds. But overall really solid and with nice textures.

  • English

    A versatile, robust and reliable way of transport.

    Allows for a real alternative to having spawn points and warps which aren't very realistic. Also very useful in Singleplayer.

  • Wow

    Wow, only wow. From the idea to implementation. Only wow.


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