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A way for admins to run and save lua snippets.


  • /snippets: Open the snippets console. This allows you to edit and run Lua snippets.


This mod registers a snippets button node that runs a snippet when pressed. The snippet will be called with the player name as its first argument. For example, you can do local name = ... inside a snippet to get the name of the player that pressed the button.

Buttons don't appear in the creative inventory, if you want them to you will need to run /giveme snippets:button.

If you don't want the buttons at all, you can add snippets.enable_buttons = false to your minetest.conf.


  • snippets.register_snippet(name, <code or def>): Registers a snippet. def can be a table containing code (or func), and optionally owner. If persistent is specified, this snippet will remain registered across reboots.
  • snippets.unregister_snippet(name): The opposite of snippets.register_snippet.
  • snippets.registered_snippets: A table containing the above snippets.
  • snippets.log(level, msg): For use inside snippets: Logs a message. level can be none, debug, info, warning, or error.
  • snippets.register_on_log(function(snippet, level, msg)): Run when snippets.log is called. snippet is the name of the snippet. Newest functions are called first. If a callback returns true, any remaining functions are not called (including the built-in log function). Callbacks can check what player (if any) owns a snippet with snippets.registered_snippets[snippet].owner.
  • snippets.log_levels: A table containing functions that run minetest.colorize on log levels (if applicable). Example: snippets.log_levels.error('Hello')minetest.colorize('red', 'Hello')
  • snippets.exec_as_player(player_or_name, code): Executes code (a string) inside an "anonymous snippet" owned by the player.
  • snippets.exec(code): Executes code inside a generic snippet.
  •, ...): Executes a snippet.
  • snippets.Form(player_or_name): Creates a form.
  • snippets.close_form(player_or_name): Closes player_or_name's currently open form.


snippets.Forms can display and handle formspecs, and are recommended inside snippets over minetest.show_formspec, as they do not create semi-permanent global handlers. There is currently no way to set the formname, it is automatically chosen/generated and is used internally.

Consider using flow instead for new forms.

Form methods:

  • form:show() / form:open(): Displays the form.
  • form:hide() / form:close(): Closes the form.
  • form:is_open(): Returns true if the form is currently open.
  • form:set_prepend(formspec): Sets text to prepend to the formspec. This has nothing to do with global formspec prepends.
  • form:set_formspec(formspec): Sets the formspec text. This does not modify prepended text or appended text. Any change to this (or the prepend/append values) is displayed immediately to the client.
  • form:set_append(formspec): Sets text to append to the formspec before displaying it.
  • form:get_prepend, form:get_formspec, form:get_append
  • form:add_callback(function(form, fields)): This creates a callback which is called whenever form data is received from the client.
  • form:add_callback(name, function(form, fields)): Similar to the above, however is only called if fields contains name (a string).
  • form.context: Private data stored with this form object. Not sent to clients.
  • form.pname: The player name associated with this form. Changing this will not change the player the form is associated with.

When a form is deleted (form=nil) and it is not open by the client, garbage collection will allow the internal formname to be reused.

Example snippets


local res = {}
for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
    table.insert(res, player:get_player_name())
return res


for _, name in ipairs( 'get_connected_names') do
    minetest.chat_send_player(name, 'Hello ' .. name .. '!')



Do you recommend this mod?

  • English

    Useful tool for modding

    This mod is very useful for checking if your mod works as expected. I cant imagine modding without being able to look at what my mod is doing

    I wish the snippets saved between worlds, but that probably impossible with the API

  • Very Useful

    Thank you so much for this. My only wish now would be for someone to create a repository of useful code snippets for chat commands and other functions commonly used /needed by server admins in one place to peruse. Perhaps such a thing already exists and I haven't found it yet? I shall continue my exploration armed with this wonderful tool.

    Edit: Ah! I found it.


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