a command to create 2d mazes using worldedit.
you can specify material(s), path width, wall width, algorithm, and a seed.
//maze default:stone,default:cobble air 3 2 wilsons 7717
makes a maze where the nodes in the walls are randomly cobble or stone, the passsages are air, the width of a path is 3, the width of the walls is 2, and 7717 is a seed (to generate the same maze consistently). note that if a seed is provided, the maze will only be identical if the x/z size is identical.
supported algorithms:
- wilsons
this produces the most balanced mazes - all possible mazes are equally likely. https://content.minetest.net/uploads/729aceea44.png
- backtrack
this tends to produce mazes with long paths and few dead ends. https://content.minetest.net/uploads/50f7e212ea.png
- prims
this tends to produce mazes with short paths and lots of dead ends. https://content.minetest.net/uploads/3eca394971.png