sfan5In-game world editor. Use it to repair griefing, or just create awesome buildings in seconds.
Johannes FritzAllows copying, pasting, filling, deleting, replacing and saving 3D areas
Protector Redo
TenPlus1Lets players craft special blocks to protect their builds or disable PVP in areas.
Meshport (Luanti Mesh Exporter)
random_geekEasily export areas in Luanti to meshes for 3D rendering.
BuckarooBanzaimapgen mod creator
x2048Adds terraforming tools to your creative toolbox
AntumDelugeRemove/Replace unknown entities, nodes, & items.
ShadowNinjaAreas is a advanced area protection mod based on node_ownership.
secklBuild a street from given points
Extruder Tool
fgazAdds an extruder tool that can extend continuous surfaces towards the node face that was clicked
Public teleport location bookmarks
Hybrid DogAdd commands to manage public positions of interest
WorldEdit Additions
StarbeamrainbowlabsExtra tools and commands to extend WorldEdit. Currently has over 70 commands!
celeron55Driveable bulldozer for pushing nodes and flattening ground
ROllerozxaSet the day of time cycle to a certain time permanently.
Warr1024A collection of misc dependency-free utilities primarily for server hosts
Map Tools
CalinouAdds various special versions of normal blocks, tools, and other map maintainer tools.
WorldEdit Maze Generator
wsor4035A maze generator
Really Flat
rdococGenerates superflat terrain in whatever material you choose.
Playtime Recorder
LejoUse /playtime to get the time you played
Discord-Minetest Relay
archfan7411Mod + external program providing Discord relaying and commands.
Tools Using the Node Damage and Repair System
NoodlemireOverrides pre-existing tools to make them cause persistent node damage.
SkyBuilder1717Adds a lot of helpful commands for your server
Entity Modifier
j8rModify the model and size of entities, including players.
Blockbomber Editor
MisterEMake arenas for Blockbomber
Cozy Lights
SingleDigitIqEarly alpha. Improves the way light sources(torches etc) behave and allows to create huge lights, literal projectors with just a mouse click, light map will be computed for you.
NextGen Bedrock
StarNinjasAdds an indestructible bedrock layer at the bottom of the world.
Better Command Blocks
ThePython10110Adds command blocks similar to those from a certain other voxel game.
Remove Unknowns
ClydeA small tool to help you clean up your world of unknown-blocks.
zeunerPlace, remove and configure Mobs (for now: NPCs) using chatcommands
rubenwardyAn easy way to manage students in-game, with support for bulk actions and macros.
BuckarooBanzaimod for the mapserver
Internet Relay Chat
kaezaConnect your server to an IRC channel, and install irc_commands to control the server from IRC
User Manager
1F616EMOGUI to manage players
use_texture_alpha workaround
1F616EMOFix boolean use_texture_alpha on MT5.9+
bell07A mods development / QA helper
Moderator Warnings
1F616EMOEmphasize warnings sent by the moderation team
1F616EMOSimply reject all login attempts and show them a message
WorldEdit Undo
Hybrid DogUndo and Redo executed WorldEdit chat commands
Chest with Everything
ROllerozxaAdds a chest node containing all registered nodes, items and tools.
Magic Wands
xynydevAdds magic utility wands for Mineclonia