Download (84.9 MB)
For Luanti 5.6 and above

How do I install this?

As seen on the offical Capture the Flag server (

If you're interested there's also a Discord Server for the server and game



Capture the flag uses several submodules. Make sure to grab them all by cloning like this:

git clone --recursive

(Using ssh to clone is recommended for developers/contributors)


Simply download the game with the ingame content browser. Note that this version may be slightly behind the git version, but it will be a little more stable.

Starting a game (GUI instructions)

  • Create a new singlenode world
  • Turn on Enable Damage and Host Server, turn off Creative Mode, memorize your port
  • Click Host Game, a round should automatically start as soon as you join in
  • Players on your LAN can join using your local IP and the port you memorized

See for more detailed info



Do you recommend this game?

  • Super fun!

    Very fun to play and if u play it enough you will rank high in the leaderboards (im top 100 and have PRO tag in classic+classes on server) I personally think its more fun on servers but it can be played locally with friends too, as long as you are not the only player on ur world XD

    It does need some other downloads but thats fine it takes only like 30 seconds to look for and download the dependencies and once thats done, theres alot of fun to have with this game! :D

    Thanks for making this nice game it is very popular lol

    (ps: love the santa hat)


  • Français


    bon mod pour jouer a capturer le drapeau

  • English

    Old but up-to-date & relevant, very fun, and should be more appreciated.

    CTF is the best PVP and strategy game, using an easy-to-understand system to place players on different maps and situations, supplying teams with chests that are (unless designed otherwise) scattered throughout the map. CTF has three unique, imaginative modes, which are periodically decided by player vote in-game. In Classic mode, players race to the mines to get good ores for swords, and have to use limited resources to fight and capture the flag before the other team. In Classes mode, players roleplay with the different abilities of three "classes:" knights, healers, and scouts (snipers). Different combinations of players with these classes can be used in various strategies, ie. Three knights, two healers and a scout make a good fighting team, and two healers and a knight make a very good flag capturing team. In Nades mode, players all get grenades with changeable functions. Knockback grenades can catapult a player or their enemies long distances; TNT grenades explode, damaging a player or their adversaries, and Void grenades capture nearby enemies in a small box, making them easier to kill. Capture the Flag, though old, is very much relevant and up-to-date, and is very underrated at the moment for being one of the most popular servers of Minetest. I absolutely 100% recommend CTF and its servers

  • Good Game!

    It is hard to make maps for beginers, but game is really good. There are many ctf servers and all are very popular. I like CTF...

  • Review

    CTF is an extremely addictive and fun game. I would rate it 9/10 because it is perfect other than the fact the public server tends to crash quite often.

  • Played in the Server

    The game is extremely good with its wide variety of maps and etc.. I like how peoples can do pvp against each other. Also you can use stealth strategies like hiding underground, forming caves, going up and throwing bombs etc.. but i wasn't been able to run this maybe i need to learn technical side and also peoples to join.

  • Original

    Un resultado increible de las posibilidades de Minetest bien aplicadas. Aunque pienso que deberia haberse basado en MineClone en lugar de en MTG.

  • Best combat game

    Best combat game. Anyone looking for combat should try this out first.



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