
Adds cannons, pipes and tractor beams to allow players and entities to traverse the world in new ways.

Building Creative Player Effects / Power Ups Transport

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How do I install this?


Travers introduces three nodes which move players, animals and items around: A cannon, a pipe and a tractor beam

Complete with digilines support. Missing arguments are not changed, unknown arguments are ignored.

Due to their capabilities they are prone to abuse. Be mindful of that for multiplayer servers.

They are currently only available from the creative inventory. Feel free to suggest recipes and translations. If you post the translation on ContentDB please use an existing translation file as template format it as code block.


Shoots subject with a starting velocity defined by the player.

Digilines example: digiline_send("1",{[number],[number],[number]})

Tractor Beam Generator

Holds the subject in air and moves it towards or away from the node. Can be turned off. Closer nodes have stronger forcefields than nodes farther away.

Digilines example: digiline_send("1",{pull=[bool],off=[bool],reach=[number]})


Automatically creates a second one. Teleports the subject two blocks after the other pipe. Not configurable.



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