Magic Wands

Adds magic utility wands for Mineclonia

Work in Progress Storage World Maintenance and Tools

Download (20 KB)

How do I install this?


This mod adds one utility item; a magic wand that sorts inventories.

Right click at the air to sort the player inventory (except hotbar), or punch a chest to sort it.


   IR ST
ST IR   

(IR = iron ingot, ST = stick)

Sorting methodology

  1. Find all different item types in the inventory
  2. Sort inventory item types by total count
  3. Fit tallied and sorted items into stacks


This is my first mod for Luanti and made for personal use. Not guaranteed to work with anything other than Mineclonia, or on any setup I am not using right now, or at all in general. There is no warranty for lost items, please have backups. I'm using this myself though so I hope I didn't leave any bugs in...



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