Unfortunately, it looks like this game was left in a very early stage. It's like a pre-alpha? You spawn in some kind of room of metal and all you can do is go through the exit and then you see a large empty world.
There's not an exit, un less you meant the grille window, if not. You probably ran into an issue with using flat terrain generation where terrain generation overrides the schematic and there's effectively holes where there's not supposed to be.
Other than that yeah its barely a game. Wouldn't really call it a pre-alpha, it's more just what I managed to do in time for the jam as a first project. There's a few things that didn't make the cut but those are mostly polish and story related, sadly the gameplay that is there is all I ever intended for the jam.
I've considered revamping the game to add more proper puzzles and more room to expand on the mechanics but I don't know if I will.
Unfortunately, it looks like this game was left in a very early stage. It's like a pre-alpha? You spawn in some kind of room of metal and all you can do is go through the exit and then you see a large empty world.
That's it. That's the whole game. :-(
There's not an exit, un less you meant the grille window, if not. You probably ran into an issue with using flat terrain generation where terrain generation overrides the schematic and there's effectively holes where there's not supposed to be. Other than that yeah its barely a game. Wouldn't really call it a pre-alpha, it's more just what I managed to do in time for the jam as a first project. There's a few things that didn't make the cut but those are mostly polish and story related, sadly the gameplay that is there is all I ever intended for the jam. I've considered revamping the game to add more proper puzzles and more room to expand on the mechanics but I don't know if I will.