Top 0.8% reviewer
Only 7 users have written more helpful reviews.
Top 8 game
AFCM has a game placed at #8.
Has received 87806 downloads across all packages.
Database Manager
Database Manager API
Farming Flood
Makes all plants floodable
Global Market
Market command
Mesecons Onlinedetector
Add online detector to mesecons
MineClone2 Build Limit
Add a build limit to MineClone2
MineClone2 Speedrun
Speedrun features for MineClone2
MineClone2 UHC
UHC additions to MineClone2
MineClone2 Welcome HUD
Show welcome bossbar in the HUD
No Lag
[April fool's joke] Removes Lag
Palamod modpack for MineClone2
A formspec based arena entrance type for arena_lib
Subway Miner
A Subway Surfer inspired game
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
Modname Tooltip
MineClone2 ModsModname Tooltip Minecraft mod for MineClone2
Void Totem
MineClone2 ModsA totem that prevents you from dying in the void.
Deserved the win IMO
When I launched the game I couldn't beleive it.
It a crazy technical showcase.
Its build with TypeScript (!), provide a game in 3d (!), can handle multiple windows (!).
All with the Minetest inputs and the HUD API.
Oh and maybe even more impressive: https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/mineos/issues/1
Good Mod!
I used this library for my entry to the Minetest Game Jam 2023, which I sadly didn't finish in time.
Its really nice honestly. APIs are powerful both for minigames and external stuff (see the stent mod MisterE made for my entry!), arena editor is really easy to use and can be customised by your minigames. Documentation is really good too.
I will definitly use it next time 🙂
What I think could be improved:
Arena properties doesn't handle real vectors (
). When you define them with code it works but it doesn't from the arena settings editor; the property is handeled as a table with displayed keys order not matching the xyz order and converted as a regular table instead. There is thereturn (expression)
syntax but it's run in an empty global env and would look ugly anyways. I think the mod should check if the initial setting in arena definition is a vector withvector.check
and have a special GUI to edit those in arena editor settings.I would also love having LuaLS typing annotations (or headers) since it greatly improve developer experience, but it would require this Minetest issue anyways.
Nice game
The gameplay is a bit simple and there is only a few levels for now, but its a very promising game!
Graphics are really nice, especiallly the moving platforms :) HUD should be improved a bit, but is acceptable.
A good multiplayer game
Funny game
The game lacks a way to save yor progress :/EDIT: fixed later
Graphics are nice and game is pretty fun.
Intresting concept and good graphics
Graphics are very nice, but the baloon sometimes seems bugging (going inside entire mountains without actually crashing).
Hope this will get fixed!
A good game
With a better environment (lamps, doors? better looking guards?), it would be a pretty good game.
Really good mod
Just amazing, as always.
Good looking and smooth annimations
One word: just perfect
idk if biofuel was used then the demoiselle was created xDGood looking, fun and realistic
Karts are moving very smoothly and looks very good! This is a pretty fun mod to use to make a race with friends xD
The better looking fireworks mod
Particles are beautiful and there is a big number of different shapes/colors.
What about an implementation using effects based on item metadata? (minecraft like)
A good building mod
Replaces advantageously mese lamps from mtg and fit to every style of builds.
Must have then creating tumbnails for ContentDB or YouTube
Fast, easy to use. Get perfect materials in Blender in seconds with the provided script.
Useful to destroy your friends bases ;)
Easy to use and powerful, not buggy at all even on servers.
Useful for PvP
Sadly there is no crafting receipe, but you can make a shop at spawn to obtain them :)
Repairing tools was never as easy
That's a very cheap and easy way to repair tools and armors.
Makes TNT guns possible :)
Having the possibility of creating TNT guns in minetest game is incredible!
Big improvement for survival
Sadly, this mod tends to lag on big servers, but is very good for small servers and singleplayer.
Absolutly needed for mining
Very useful mod.
Suggestion: increase durability
Make gathering wood easy
Simple and efficient
Simple and good art style
Really useful if you enjoy building technical areas
Very good game concept and design
I like the concept of this game! But some levels are very hard and it seems there is no admin command to skip a level.
Also, enabling
priv ingame will break inventory formspec.Makes grass plains look much better
Seriously, this really improve how grass plains looks.
Pretty good storage mod
Still have annoying bugs, but is a viable way of storing items.
High quality skyboxes
Would be epic with hd texture pack and dynamic shadown... Sadly, dynamic shadows still don't work with this mod.
Useful to re-evaluate your life choices...
This mod makes me discover I spend 24h on my server in less than 4 months....
I like this way of lightning enormous caves of mtg
Realy fast and easy to use, good desing and not to expensive.
A must have for server maintenance and buiding large areas
The only important missing feature IMO is the possibility to undo your actions.
INSANE for tooltips manipulation
I discovered this mod in mineclone2 developement team, and cant stop using it! You can create very complex tooltips in seconds, items customised per player, etc
Building was never as easy in survival
Good graphics and design, very useful.
Good teleportation system
I like this mod very much for the ability of creating network of teleporters and for the small graphics parts like doors, which adds much to the game.
Very usefull especialy for building and graphics
Nothing to say except "INCREDIBLE" :) I like especialy stairs graphical tweak.
Good skin mod
GUI doesn't look very modern, but is 100% functional.
Default skins are also very good.
Ability of creating the base of very complex mechanisms
Enormous amount af detectors, wires, etc
Near infinite possibilities, especialy then also using
There is a good documentation online, which makes easy to use the luacontroler.
I use it every time I play minetest game :)
My prefered protection mod
I like the idea of using fixed 'chunks' in a protection system.
The minimap is also very useful.
Original art style, but very good
textures are unified and looks very good
A very good texture pack
Near all mtg textures done and a huge amount of supported mods.
The best HD texturepack
The player texture looks kinda... strange, but the other textures are very good and doesn't have any noise.
A must have then travelling in mtg
Going down high mountains without taking damage was never as easy xD
I wonder if a non entity based implementation would be possible?
Challenging fights...
pretty high quality mod
you will need a bunch af high quality stuff to beat these super OP dragons xD, but it adds a good chalenge to the game
(the best way to kill them is
mod as far as I can see)Very useful for every automated system
Seriously, this mod is near perfect :)
WIP, but still very good
Mobs are very bad, sadly. But there is already a enormous amount of blocks from mc > 1.13, which are very intresting if you enjoy building
INSANELY useful for formspec creation
This game is INCREDIBLE. Its the most efficient way to create formspecs.
Very good for decoration
textures are good and blocks are very useful for decoration btw, generation should be increased a little bit
Very fun minigame
Good amount of different stuff, intresting concept.
Some bad points:
or be an all in one game to be usable on serversRecreate minecraft behaviour very well
It is really cool to be able to duplicate iron ore with a fortune pickaxe :)
Very good mod
Its really nice to have on private servers where there isn't too much lag
Very very good inventory mod
I really hope mods will add compatibility to this mod soon! I am currently waiting some mods to support it to add it to my server.
Good mod for decoration!
Very good textures and various intresting blocks
Nice mod
Very nice mod.
Bad point:Edit: donemcl_copper
is required (you should depend optionaly of it for crafting)Very good mod
Nice physic and animation. Can the speed of the submarine be a bit increased? Currently, it's a bit too slow.
Very funny mod. Could you do that for tnt?
Very good mod
Good physics and not too much lag
Nice and smooth annimations
Good mod!
The only problem is it mess sometimes other mods' annimation :-/
Like this: https://content.minetest.net/packages/apercy/hidroplane/
Can this be fixed?
This mod is amazing!
Pretty good physic, very good 3d models and textures. Good feeling. Not too laggy and no crash. The only not "bad" point is hydroplane is not very fast and a bit difficult to takeoff.
An amazing shooter mod
This mod is insane. There is so many guns and weapons!
Some sugestions:
Great game!
The best game for Minetest. And with the future version 0.72, this game will begins to be modder friendly. Great.
Shift is not the best key to show player list, I hope an engine change will make this mod able to change the key!
Really fun to play with.
This mod can be realy fun to play with. Some negative points:
Great texture pack!
Currently one of the best tp for mcl. Really hope all textures will be complete soon!
Really fun to play with
I hope we will be able soon to use it with no risk on our servers!