I have updated oretracker and home_point so you should be a maintainer.
Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I've been busy, and been planning on stopping using github and switch over to gitlab (Hence a lot of my mods are archived)
That and I have lots of mods that I'm not interested in maintaining, or would rather rewrite them so they're even better (cleaner, thus easier to maintain)
As a possible future feature request... add to home_point a /spawn command that can after a delay teleport the player to spawn.
Oh, and yes there is a bug with the chat messages during teleport... it should show the place/home name with the countdown, but instead it doesn't do that but shows the player's name (Which is fine if it happens to be the place/home the player is going to, but not if it's somewhere else)
Looks like the CSM API can do it... but I'm kind of busy. (Just know I've seen the request... and I'll try to get to it sometime down the road, in the near future)
By default, crafting is disabled, but can be enabled if you want (see the settingtypes.txt file).
Remember, the basic glove requires you to be looking at a node to climb upwards, while the advanced does not.
To enable crafting again:
1. climb_glove.craft_basic = true and/or climb_glove.craft_advanced = true to your minetest.conf file.
2. Restart if you're already playing, and now you should be ready to craft.
_ = Blank (Left Empty)
i = Iron/Steel Ingot
g = Gold Ingot
d = Diamond
G = climb_glove:basic_glove
_ i i
g d i
g g _
d i i
g G i
g g d
Normally crafting is disabled, so the only method to obtain it is by the give command.
Obtaining the gloves by give:
1. Ensure you have the give priv (else /grantme give or the like)
2. /giveme climb_glove:basic_glove for the basic or /giveme climb_glove:adv_glove for the advanced.
I like the idea of reinforcing it to increase it's durability instead of just instant unbreakable. (In fact, even I don't use this mod, because of the instantly unbreakable)
The mod currently also isn't true unbreakable, it will eventually break, in about 65 some thousand uses. (uses should be set to 0 to actually make it unbreakable, not sure if I did that or not, been a while since I've looked at this mod)
Instead of changing this mod, I might instead make another one with this upgradeable concept. (Possibly depreciate this mod as I think I can make a better mod that's more balanced)
Maybe also add a very minor speed increase too?
I think Diamonds are rare... so maybe every X upgrades will require some of them.
Ah, yeah same here on the idea of having this require some kind of power / energy.
So far that sounds like it will be cool.
Interesting fact, I was initailly thinking of using Technic as a requirement of needing energy in order to repair tools (but then I'd loose multi-game support, and Technic already has it's MV Tool repair machine).
Sorry for the bit of a delay, forgot to check up here.
Yeah at the time I just threw a recipe together, I focus on multi-game support, so I'd need a good craft recipe that plays well with Minetest Game and MineClone2.
Here is a good spot to contact me as I usually check here when I think about my mods and such. (ContentDB also provides me a centralized spot to see notifications, as opposed to Github where I'd manually have to check each of my mods repos)
Feel free to use it in your modpack.
I myself was thinking of making a technic-like modpack that includes this where it consumes power/energy what not to repair tools, and make it where the upgrades play with the amount of power/energy consumed (faster repair rate, higher consumption).
Hmm, an "Anti-Graffiti Block", prohibits use of Graffiti except by those with server priv, of course with a range of X number of blocks. (I'm thinking maybe a range of 10 blocks for a good default, but configurable so a server owner could change it)
Perhaps also do a check for if the node it's supposed to be "attached" to is air, if so also clean it up too. (This would fix another comment #4165, and provide a quicker way to remove grief graffiti (just replace the node(s)).
I can see quite a few uses for this mod, from making a black board with some educational question or equation on it, to using it to make a cool billboard for some kind of advertisement. (Ever wanted to depict some kind of pixel art from within Minetest, well with this you can)
Though I also see it quite easily being abused as well, used as litteral graffiti.
Some ideas for __future__ versions:
Option to change how big you paint by (right now it's 1 pixel in size, but 2 and 3 pixel sizes might be nicer, especially for cleaning up with the anti graffiti spray can)
Some kind of way to limit players so they can't paint everywhere (Right now I think the mod allows you to paint ontop of every block regardless of it being protected or not, a simple solution is to only allow painting in areas you have access too)
Even with the creative priviledge a player still consumes paint in spray cans (Most mods check if the player has server or creative priviledges in which case they don't reduce durability, this mod doesn't have that check it consumes durability regardless)
Ok no problem, yeah as soon as I saw the <source> option I hopped onto it. (I'm going to delete my old repo which I currently renamed to goodtorch-1 as currently it's now outdated, and as you've mentioned you've already merged into the main code so no need for a 2nd repo, only forks are needed)
Yeah I'm working right now on my own next new mod Chunk Keeper basically a keep alive the current mapblock idea. (But eventually I'll hop back on here and work on adding technic !?! Ah, I see you've got it started, well then I'll not touch it as we had a conflict which ate some of the code, but never fear, git tracks all changes, so we just need to dig back in time to see what happened and copy pasta the stuff I did like getting the player's eye pos via code/dynamically, actually that's all I can think I did, Since it appears you have the multi-game support so hmm.)
Ok so I've added multiple games "gamemodes" supporting, and we now support Minetest Game (MTG) and MineClone (MCL).
And not much has broke, well I've tried to make sure everything works with no crashing sounds in the background but meh.
And I've thought about is some, since we can have cool interchangable recipe ingredients perhaps we have the current Minetest Game recipe as a fallback if mesecons isn't installed, else we use cool stuff like lightnodes/lamps and switches/levers. (Kind of more realistic recipes)
I need to dig through technic's code and see about making it so if technic is installed we make our flashlight into a power tool that looses power on use and can eventually turn off due to no power. (or not, I kind of like the unlimited lighting)
I've done up quite a few mods, from item creation/generation to item repair, to even armor and tools. (most of which I use as future references for doing a particular thing)
So the trick is if someone else has done it up, look at their code, see their mistakes (or potential mistakes) how they do particular things and learn from it. (Always learn something each time you look at code or even write code)
I've got Python, C++, a little Java (though only a very little), and thanks to Minetest, Lua. (with my latest craze in Go/Golang)
It helps to know other languages (computer languages that is) too.
Anyway, enough chatting, now on to breaking stuff and figuring out how to make it work again. :P
Edit: Wow, I've done a lot within the last couple hours, and posted a lot too. (One might think I'm super good at modding, oh wait, I'm not really good, it's more that I've done more mods so I kind of know some dos and dont's, like spelling, with no spell check! Nooo, :P )
If it's alright with you I'd like to release a copy that also works with water nodes (water source, water flowing, river water source, river water flowing).
I'll keep the license the same (mainly because of the license). :)
And attribute it to you, since you first made it possible, then I took a hack at it.
Yes underwater lighting is now possible, and no it actually can drown the player instead of possibly free air. (defines the water nodes into light
water nodes)
Was a bit tricky to get the lighting right as I had a bug where it would shoot thru into caverns instead of just lighting the first non-replaceable node. (but I got it working, and if you don't want me to release it I'll not, and I'd probably not use it either, just to respect your choice)
Edit: If you want to see the mod and try it out it's in a un-released state on github (yes technically it's released there, but not here, at least not without your permission/request/opinion) Here
Limiting light range to 99 or less (100 is not included, change from dist < 100 to dist <= 100 to include 100) is simply:
-- Line 66 (Rewritten)
local function update_illumination(player)
local name = player:get_player_name()
if not player_lights[name] then
return -- Player has just joined/left
local player_pos = player:get_pos() -- Grab the user's current position
local pos = get_light_node(player).pos
local old_pos = player_lights[name].pos
local node = get_light_node(player).l
-- minetest.set_node(vector.round(pos), {name = "default:steelblock"})
-- Check if illumination needs updating
if old_pos and pos then
if vector.equals(pos, old_pos) then
return -- Already has illumination
-- Update illumination
player_lights[name].pos = pos
if node then
local new_pos = get_light_node(player).pos
local dist = vector.distance(player_pos, new_pos) -- Obtain their distance, used below to compare against 99 or less (100 not included)
if new_pos and (minetest.get_node(new_pos).name == "air") and dist < 100 then
minetest.set_node(new_pos, {name = node})
if old_pos and not vector.equals(old_pos, new_pos) then
player_lights[name].pos = new_pos
-- No illumination
player_lights[name].pos = nil
Not to promote my site but my site has some good resources I personally use.
https://beanzilla.net/minetest.html (Beanzilla was my old nickname, when I was heavy into just playing Minecraft, then found Minetest then chose a new nickname, TLDR old nickname) :)
Includes direct links to the Lua minetest api docs (just CTRL + F and type functions/whatnot to find)
And a good book by Rubenwardy. (Highly recommend mixing between the 2, like I do)
First off, I like that it reduces brightness the further away it goes (like real life!)
Second, I'd like to see it gain the ability to toggle the flashlight on/off by right click too!
-- Line 141 to line 165 Rewritten
-- A: Make the function that swiches back and forth into a local function
local function flashlight_toggle(stack)
if stack:get_name() == "goodtorch:flashlight_off" then
return stack
-- B: Update the register functions to use on_use (left click/punch) and on_secondary_use (right click/place)
minetest.register_craftitem("goodtorch:flashlight_off", {
description = "Flashlight (off)",
inventory_image = "goodtorch_flashlight_off.png",
on_use = flashlight_toggle,
on_secondary_use = flashlight_toggle,
groups = {
flash_light = 1,
minetest.register_craftitem("goodtorch:flashlight_on", {
description = "Flashlight (on)",
inventory_image = "goodtorch_flashlight_on.png",
on_use = flashlight_toggle,
on_secondary_use = flashlight_toggle,
groups = {
flash_light = 1,
-- C: Profit! :)
Please update to Version 1.1 for the new nutra block.
Leave a response on how you like it here, I'll be glad to (at some point) review the feedback and maybe alter it some.
To make your own version more valuable just alter the code so nutra paste feeds you the max per paste (Edit Line 8 changing the value there, and look for more of the same lines and change them too!)
Anyway your requested implementation I think is complete, just need to push a new version onto ContentDB here and just update your version.
Some catchs I've found so far, once the Nutra block is placed it can't be picked back up, so only place it down if you need the food, or just simply punch with it in your hand instead. (I haven't tested eating it while in my hand but it should work as described)
To buff the offset of 3.5 breads on the hunger bar I've made it only a little expensive (yeah 17 nutra paste meals, or about 3-4 cycles of producing nutra paste from the machine)
Oh and I've increased the stack size of the Nutra Paste from the normal 99 to 1000 (almost 10 times bigger)
I guess I could make the nutra block more nutritious. (kind of makes it less of it's origins though, in Rimworld Nutra paste was more of a emergency supply of food, you know like a can of dog food, but for humans to eat, in my attempt to recreate the concept I made it so it wasn't very filling on the hunger bar as the goal was it could keep you alive but wasn't really ment to be a all out food source all the time)
I'll make the Nutra block provide more on the hunger bar, but I might make it require a series of nutra pastes to be crafted. (I'm thinking the total cost will be around 17 nutra paste per nutra block, basicly craft 9 nutra paste together to get a nutra paste core then put that in the middle and put 8 nutra paste around that to get your nutra block)
Oh and sorry, I'm not a graphic artist so I'll be reusing my own images/textures just slightly modified. (And sorry for the delay in this, ment to add this in but just never got to it)
That's a bit harder... I could make it so the paste can stack to like 50,000 (50k).
To do that I'd need to hook the on_punch callback (maybe after so many punches the node disapears, from being eaten away, possibly cause the node to shrink in height from a full block height decreasing as we get closer to the disapear time, of course I'd like it to reverse the process after a period of time to keep it renewable)
To implement that kind of thing I'd need to code some kind of interaction tracker so if the player moves or gets hit cancel teleport, not to difficult just a bit of work.
You can track more on this at the repo as issue #1
I'm not sure if you decided to leave negative reviews on some of my mods as a way of "getting at me". (Mods affected: unbreaking, teleporter_tool, oreveins, medblocks, credits, chest2, that's 6 mods)
Or if this was just coincidence that you decided to leave a bunch of negative reviews. (all being unhelpful and providing no reasons as to why you didn't like them)
But that behavior is a bit irresponsible.
I write this in hopes that you will correct your behavior as I intended no personal or emotional harm in my review, simply stating facts and reasons why I feel the mod is incomplete or has missing features.
Spanish (Español)
No estoy seguro de si decidiste dejar críticas negativas sobre algunas de mis modificaciones como una forma de "atacarme". (Mods afectados: unbreaking, teleporter_tool, oreveins, medblocks, credits, chest2, son 6 mods)
O si fue solo una coincidencia que decidiste dejar un montón de críticas negativas. (todos son inútiles y no proporcionan razones de por qué no te gustaron)
Pero ese comportamiento es un poco irresponsable.
Escribo esto con la esperanza de que corrija su comportamiento, ya que no pretendí causar daño personal o emocional en mi revisión, simplemente expongo los hechos y las razones por las que siento que el mod está incompleto o le faltan funciones.
Entiendo que produce recursos a un ritmo aparentemente rápido, pero comprenda que esto fue desarrollado para servidores creativos o de supervivencia donde la única forma de obtenerlos (o venas) es mediante una tienda de servidores a un precio bastante elevado.
No creo que entiendas completamente lo que proporciona este mod.
Da 2 nodos y 2 elementos que pueden curar y alimentar a los jugadores.
Principalmente podría usarse en servidores creativos, pero fue diseñado principalmente para servidores PVP donde el combate solo debe ocurrir en la naturaleza o en un área designada.
Mientras que actualmente en MineClone la capacidad de alimentación no está funcionando, el juego Minetest emparejado con resistencia o hudbars (hb_hunger) debería funcionar.
Lo he desarrollado con la esperanza de que otros puedan encontrarlo interesante y, por lo tanto, comenzar a desarrollar otras modificaciones para acompañarlo.
First off, great mod. I personally like the concept. (It's simple, and works)
Point 1: Admin shops
It would be nice to build a small section of the server to contain unlimited purchases of items and emeralds. (e.g. 32 pieces of wood for 1 emerald, and the admin of the server doesn't need to keep empting the shop and keep his/her emerald account full, or even 1 diamond for 4 emeralds, and again the admin doesn't need to keep restocking it with diamonds)
Point 2: Upgrade shops to sell/buy more items in 1 block/node
This is actually my greatest annoyance. I need to use many shop nodes to buy/sell many items. (e.g. I'd need a shop for each of the different wood types, that's 4 nodes being taken up by shops just to buy or sell the different wood)
I personally think upto 2-4 items being sold/bought per shop node would be more practically and reasonable. (Almost all the other shop like mods I've come accross sell/buy 4 items per shop node)
Point 3: No easy way to contribute
Due to the fact that this software has been label'd "libre software" (free software), does this means we don't have a public place to contribute code segments? (e.g. I know lua, know minetest's api, I'm willing to help on occasions, but there isn't a public place where the code is, so I can't help)
This point isn't quite as big of a deal as the others, but it's important enough to discuss how someone (not necessarily me) could contriubute.
I have updated oretracker and home_point so you should be a maintainer.
As a possible future feature request... add to home_point a
command that can after a delay teleport the player to spawn.Looks like the CSM API can do it... but I'm kind of busy. (Just know I've seen the request... and I'll try to get to it sometime down the road, in the near future)
I suppose I could... I'll see what I can do in the CSM API and maybe get it out there.
I love this mod.
It's got a lot of useful blocks that provide various features.
My personal favorite is the Magnetic Card and Magnetic Card Reader/Writer, I use it for a sort of 2FA for my digiline "computer".
Probably the most useful is the SRAM and EEPROM, It's great for storing bits of information.
I can't help but use this mod to make a "computer" of sorts.
Great work.
By default, crafting is disabled, but can be enabled if you want (see the settingtypes.txt file).
To enable crafting again: 1.
climb_glove.craft_basic = true
and/orclimb_glove.craft_advanced = true
to yourminetest.conf
file. 2. Restart if you're already playing, and now you should be ready to craft.Crafting:
Normally crafting is disabled, so the only method to obtain it is by the
command.Obtaining the gloves by
: 1. Ensure you have thegive
priv (else/grantme give
or the like) 2./giveme climb_glove:basic_glove
for the basic or/giveme climb_glove:adv_glove
for the advanced.He said: "I don't like it, I've seen better economy mods"
I said: "I'm sorry you didn't like it.
I have developed it in the hope that others might find it interesting and therefore start developing other mods to go with it."
I always wanted inventory bags for MineClone... Now it's here.
I can't wait to see more on this mod.
I like the idea of reinforcing it to increase it's durability instead of just instant unbreakable. (In fact, even I don't use this mod, because of the instantly unbreakable)
The mod currently also isn't true unbreakable, it will eventually break, in about 65 some thousand uses. (uses should be set to 0 to actually make it unbreakable, not sure if I did that or not, been a while since I've looked at this mod)
Instead of changing this mod, I might instead make another one with this upgradeable concept. (Possibly depreciate this mod as I think I can make a better mod that's more balanced)
Maybe also add a very minor speed increase too?
I think Diamonds are rare... so maybe every X upgrades will require some of them.
+1 for the review.
Ah, yeah same here on the idea of having this require some kind of power / energy.
So far that sounds like it will be cool.
Yeah at the time I just threw a recipe together, I focus on multi-game support, so I'd need a good craft recipe that plays well with Minetest Game and MineClone2.
Here is a good spot to contact me as I usually check here when I think about my mods and such. (ContentDB also provides me a centralized spot to see notifications, as opposed to Github where I'd manually have to check each of my mods repos)
Feel free to use it in your modpack.
Or would "Graffiti Eraser Spray Can" be better?
Hmm, an "Anti-Graffiti Block", prohibits use of Graffiti except by those with
priv, of course with a range of X number of blocks. (I'm thinking maybe a range of 10 blocks for a good default, but configurable so a server owner could change it)Possible Recipe:
I = Iron
R = Red Mushroom
_ = Empty Space
I _ I
_ R _
I _ I
Perhaps also do a check for if the node it's supposed to be "attached" to is air, if so also clean it up too. (This would fix another comment #4165, and provide a quicker way to remove grief graffiti (just replace the node(s)).
Or maybe it was just a heisenbug.
Yeah without further to go on I can't help debug too.
Hmm, I wonder if there would be a way to help auto-recover from stuff like this. (If there is a way to do that as well)
I can see quite a few uses for this mod, from making a black board with some educational question or equation on it, to using it to make a cool billboard for some kind of advertisement. (Ever wanted to depict some kind of pixel art from within Minetest, well with this you can)
Some ideas for __future__ versions:
Option to change how big you paint by (right now it's 1 pixel in size, but 2 and 3 pixel sizes might be nicer, especially for cleaning up with the anti graffiti spray can)
Some kind of way to limit players so they can't paint everywhere (Right now I think the mod allows you to paint ontop of every block regardless of it being protected or not, a simple solution is to only allow painting in areas you have access too)
Even with the
priviledge a player still consumes paint in spray cans (Most mods check if the player hasserver
priviledges in which case they don't reduce durability, this mod doesn't have that check it consumes durability regardless)Ok no problem, yeah as soon as I saw the <source> option I hopped onto it. (I'm going to delete my old repo which I currently renamed to goodtorch-1 as currently it's now outdated, and as you've mentioned you've already merged into the main code so no need for a 2nd repo, only forks are needed)
Yeah I'm working right now on my own next new mod Chunk Keeper basically a keep alive the current mapblock idea. (But eventually I'll hop back on here and work on adding technic !?! Ah, I see you've got it started, well then I'll not touch it as we had a conflict which ate some of the code, but never fear, git tracks all changes, so we just need to dig back in time to see what happened and copy pasta the stuff I did like getting the player's eye pos via code/dynamically, actually that's all I can think I did, Since it appears you have the multi-game support so hmm.)
Ok so I've added multiple games "gamemodes" supporting, and we now support Minetest Game (MTG) and MineClone (MCL).
And not much has broke, well I've tried to make sure everything works with no crashing sounds in the background but meh.
And I've thought about is some, since we can have cool interchangable recipe ingredients perhaps we have the current Minetest Game recipe as a fallback if mesecons isn't installed, else we use cool stuff like lightnodes/lamps and switches/levers. (Kind of more realistic recipes)
I've done up quite a few mods, from item creation/generation to item repair, to even armor and tools. (most of which I use as future references for doing a particular thing)
So the trick is if someone else has done it up, look at their code, see their mistakes (or potential mistakes) how they do particular things and learn from it. (Always learn something each time you look at code or even write code)
I've got Python, C++, a little Java (though only a very little), and thanks to Minetest, Lua. (with my latest craze in Go/Golang)
It helps to know other languages (computer languages that is) too.
Oh and also include on_place with the toggle code (lines 154 to 172)
If it's alright with you I'd like to release a copy that also works with water nodes (water source, water flowing, river water source, river water flowing).
I'll keep the license the same (mainly because of the license). :)
And attribute it to you, since you first made it possible, then I took a hack at it.
Yes underwater lighting is now possible, and no it actually can drown the player instead of possibly free air. (defines the water nodes into light water nodes)
Was a bit tricky to get the lighting right as I had a bug where it would shoot thru into caverns instead of just lighting the first non-replaceable node. (but I got it working, and if you don't want me to release it I'll not, and I'd probably not use it either, just to respect your choice)
Limiting light range to 99 or less (100 is not included, change from
dist < 100
todist <= 100
to include 100) is simply:Your welcome. :)
Not to promote my site but my site has some good resources I personally use.
https://beanzilla.net/minetest.html (Beanzilla was my old nickname, when I was heavy into just playing Minecraft, then found Minetest then chose a new nickname, TLDR old nickname) :)
Includes direct links to the Lua minetest api docs (just CTRL + F and type functions/whatnot to find)
And a good book by Rubenwardy. (Highly recommend mixing between the 2, like I do)
First off, I like that it reduces brightness the further away it goes (like real life!)
Second, I'd like to see it gain the ability to toggle the flashlight on/off by right click too!
Please update to Version 1.1 for the new nutra block.
Leave a response on how you like it here, I'll be glad to (at some point) review the feedback and maybe alter it some.
Anyway your requested implementation I think is complete, just need to push a new version onto ContentDB here and just update your version.
To buff the offset of 3.5 breads on the hunger bar I've made it only a little expensive (yeah 17 nutra paste meals, or about 3-4 cycles of producing nutra paste from the machine)
Oh and I've increased the stack size of the Nutra Paste from the normal 99 to 1000 (almost 10 times bigger)
I guess I could make the nutra block more nutritious. (kind of makes it less of it's origins though, in Rimworld Nutra paste was more of a emergency supply of food, you know like a can of dog food, but for humans to eat, in my attempt to recreate the concept I made it so it wasn't very filling on the hunger bar as the goal was it could keep you alive but wasn't really ment to be a all out food source all the time)
Follow this idea/concept of a edible node: issue #1
That's a bit harder... I could make it so the paste can stack to like 50,000 (50k).
Could you please provide the error message you got?
Either here or here would be much helpful.
It's released!
Grab v2.0 and enjoy.
Hmm, this is a good feature I should add. (+1)
You can track more on this at the repo as issue #1
English (Inglés)
I'm not sure if you decided to leave negative reviews on some of my mods as a way of "getting at me". (Mods affected: unbreaking, teleporter_tool, oreveins, medblocks, credits, chest2, that's 6 mods)
Or if this was just coincidence that you decided to leave a bunch of negative reviews. (all being unhelpful and providing no reasons as to why you didn't like them)
But that behavior is a bit irresponsible. I write this in hopes that you will correct your behavior as I intended no personal or emotional harm in my review, simply stating facts and reasons why I feel the mod is incomplete or has missing features.
Spanish (Español)
No estoy seguro de si decidiste dejar críticas negativas sobre algunas de mis modificaciones como una forma de "atacarme". (Mods afectados: unbreaking, teleporter_tool, oreveins, medblocks, credits, chest2, son 6 mods)
O si fue solo una coincidencia que decidiste dejar un montón de críticas negativas. (todos son inútiles y no proporcionan razones de por qué no te gustaron)
Pero ese comportamiento es un poco irresponsable. Escribo esto con la esperanza de que corrija su comportamiento, ya que no pretendí causar daño personal o emocional en mi revisión, simplemente expongo los hechos y las razones por las que siento que el mod está incompleto o le faltan funciones.
Fue diseñado para servidores creativos, o ser extremadamente caro en las tiendas de servidores.
O para aquellos que están cansados de hacer 10 picos para extraer suficientes recursos para hacer 4 picos de mejor/mayor calidad.
¿Podrías explicar por qué no te gusta este mod?
Entiendo que produce recursos a un ritmo aparentemente rápido, pero comprenda que esto fue desarrollado para servidores creativos o de supervivencia donde la única forma de obtenerlos (o venas) es mediante una tienda de servidores a un precio bastante elevado.
No creo que entiendas completamente lo que proporciona este mod.
Da 2 nodos y 2 elementos que pueden curar y alimentar a los jugadores.
Principalmente podría usarse en servidores creativos, pero fue diseñado principalmente para servidores PVP donde el combate solo debe ocurrir en la naturaleza o en un área designada.
Lamento escuchar que no te gustó nada.
El concepto era desarrollar un cofre capaz de admitir almacenamiento masivo, pero admitir múltiples juegos.
Siento que no te haya gustado.
Lo he desarrollado con la esperanza de que otros puedan encontrarlo interesante y, por lo tanto, comenzar a desarrollar otras modificaciones para acompañarlo.
First off, great mod. I personally like the concept. (It's simple, and works)
Point 1: Admin shops
It would be nice to build a small section of the server to contain unlimited purchases of items and emeralds. (e.g. 32 pieces of wood for 1 emerald, and the admin of the server doesn't need to keep empting the shop and keep his/her emerald account full, or even 1 diamond for 4 emeralds, and again the admin doesn't need to keep restocking it with diamonds)
Point 2: Upgrade shops to sell/buy more items in 1 block/node
This is actually my greatest annoyance. I need to use many shop nodes to buy/sell many items. (e.g. I'd need a shop for each of the different wood types, that's 4 nodes being taken up by shops just to buy or sell the different wood)
Point 3: No easy way to contribute
Due to the fact that this software has been label'd "libre software" (free software), does this means we don't have a public place to contribute code segments? (e.g. I know lua, know minetest's api, I'm willing to help on occasions, but there isn't a public place where the code is, so I can't help)
I like the super cub, super duck. (I prefer the super duck so the sea/oceans become my run way)
While I am a big fan of the helicopter. (Simply because it's simple to fly, but the airplanes are faster as they should)
I love how the Ju52 properly responds slower than that of the super cub or super duck. (As it should)
While I seem to be ok flight wise (till I crash into a mountain that I didn't quite see coming at me), the landing seems to be the hardest.