Top 6.5% reviewer
Only 57 users have written more helpful reviews.
Blood Bane Sword
OP sword for moderators. In memory of an old teacher, who had a mod similar to this on a private server.
Ghost Block
Adds blocks that you can walk through. Build traps, hidden rooms and more!
Happy land
Bright, colourful and awsome!
Adds a small selection of Hytale-inspired textures.
Warning: Non-free media.
Map Cursor
Adds blocks like arrows, pointers and signals. For mapmakers who need to point players somewhere.
More Stones
Provides a variety of educational and decorative minerals and rocks.
Adds stylish mud blocks and even blocks you can walk through. Setup traps, secret rooms and much more!
Nyan Cat Redo
nyan lazer, nyan soda and sugar. What's not to love?
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
Very Nice Additon
Nice addition to your Minetest train stations. A new metro system opened up in my area a few years ago and I've always wanted to base a minetest rail system from it, and now I can actually do that. Very cool, though the window textures clash with the train windows, very aesthetically repetitive sometimes. I think just a bit more transparancy for the glass is nice, I know they are the default textures shipped with MT.
Another excellent transport mod by Apercy
The models are really well done and fit-in with Minetest's low-poly world. The textures are decent but some detailed parts look sorta messy. The physics are really good considering Minetest's lack of entity features. Just use a mod like basic_streets or street signs and you can drive around in a realistic car on a realistic road. Of course, like any mod with vehicles, the cars are sometimes jittery but not as much as other mods I have seen. The slopes from the mods above only really work at a medium speed (speeding = crash!), at fast speeds the car doesn't go up the slope. Horn, lights, steering animations. This mod is just superior to others
Question: I feel like the back door in the mail van can open. If so, how do i open it?
8/10 physics
8/10 textures
10/10 models/animations
It's alright
The texture pack features very detailed and eye-pleasing textures, but more blocks and items require their textures to be changed. All this package needs is some attention and it will improve by alot. But I must agree with CalebJ:
It does say Work in Progress though
Educational and adds a new dimension to Minetest
This mod adds diseases that are pretty similar to real ones. It provides diseases, methods of infection, preventative measures and also healthy/non-healthy players. Really cool and interesting mechanic, though I have some suggestions:
make raw food have a chance of carrying diseases
make players have a chance of getting genetic diseases when they join (they automatically have the disease thus it is genetic)
clean/unclean water (this one is a bit of a stretch)
ways to tell if someone is sick (different skin overlay-will probably have issues with hair layer)
Other than that, the mod is excellent!
Buggy but cool concept and fun
There isn't much conent for Minetest that adds a large-scale building with different levels of builds, so this is definetly unique also with its build style (medieval). I like the unlocking mechanic, where you need to build things before you can move on. Has minor bugs and sometimes I don't know what to do but overall good game.
Very cool addition and makes MT engaging
This mod adds powerful mobs that give you trophys for killing them, which engaged me for hours! The trophys are very cool looking and add a nice touch to your base, especially in a multiplayer environment (I flexed to my friends as much as I could)! The mobs have awesome animations and models.
10/10 for gameplay - works well in RPG style worlds
7.5/10 for mob textures - they could do with some work
8/10 for A.I - pathfinding could do with some tweaking, the mobs sometimes got stuck in caves
Dramatically changes Minetest Game
Changes MTG in way similar games don't; the mods actually work together in a way that makes sense and add tons of new features to improve the player experience. An excellent game that refines Minetest Game with fun and unique mods!
Bizzare and Fun!
It's a walking boat, what more could you want! Although the leg models could do with some tweaking (along with the textures), the boat is very fun to ride on and sort of scary. The legs have a cool walking animation and I know Sam had fun!
The real base for modding
Development Test is perfect for anyone who has the intention of not playing. It is extremely useful in alot of circumstances, really flexible and, most importanly, minimal on resource usage and features; Perfect for things that need to be tested without inteference with other APIs. The only thing I would like to be changed is add a setting for 'default' mods, to allow for modders to test things for performance simultaneously with gameplay. Otherwise 10/10 for performance and functionality.
Nice touch to your MT world
A very nice touch to your Minetest world, excellent for players that like small things that don't overhaul the gameplay entirely. Very nice models and textures, and cool mechanic.
Cool mechanic, awesome to build with. Works well in a RPG style map, and just having fun with friends. But I would like to make a recommendation: Make it also change colour if you place a wool block on top, so it can work with mesecons_piston (cool for map-making). Apart from that, amazing mod and cool mechanic!
Simply amazing
My go-to mod for achievements, both gameplay and API wise.
Gameplay (11/10): The gamelpay is awesome, really changes how I play Minetest; I have alot more goals and another reason to keep playing. Really enchances the experience, keeping me engaged with whatever I'm playing for hours!
API (11/10): The API is really easy to use and covers a wide range of scenarios where you would like to reward the player.
Recommended for players that want to more reasons to play, and modders who want to keep the player engaged.
Creepy and decorative
Awesome to use as a skeleton in a doctors' office, or as a nice touch to a haunted house. A simple mod (and a pretty cool mechanic with the variants of skeltons), that can be used in a varitey of ways.
10/10 Building
8/10 Survival/gameplay
A must for players that like decorative and useful features!
MTG Improved!
Goes extremely well with Nextgen Fungi! Cool plant models, cool textures overall! Also goes well with Mineclone.
Too Many Ores works as a sort of base for editing ores, useful to someone that needs to edit tools and items because they already have the materials to alter them. I do disagree with finding ores basically everywhere.
staple staple staple staple
Like someone took one of the ridiculous things that happen in dreams and turned it into a mod. Where idea from?
Not bad, not excellent.
At first it feels like a whole new world but then it gets boring. No set goal, even with awards mod. Some features are good, but some are bad. I don't recommend to someone who wants more from minetest.
Also for a mod I want added is epic_combat (modpack on my github). It makes mobs more common and adds more swords and PVP material. I want because Hugues Ross say not enough mobs.
Awesome and useful!
Useful to broadcast messages, and doesn't change the game entirely. Awsome for people who like mods that add useful features without entirely changing how minetest works. Good work!
Great for building complex contraptions with complex purpouses.
Mesecons can be used for a variety of reasons which is the main reason it is a consitently usefule mod. It adds tons of things, from self building bridges to a simple door that opens when your close, this mod has you covered. But because of its complexity, it may be hard to learn for beginners as there are barely any accessible tutorials shared on social media. Maybe an in-game guide book that teaches you some of the basic mechanics? Maybe if you shift+rightclick+jump it tells you more about how the block you're pointed at? Great mod, 8/10. A must have for survival/creative servers.
A great mod that adds a great quality-of-life feature to Minetest. Makes choping trees easier, and more realistic whilst still keeping the blocky and imaginative Minetest style. Great for people who like minor and useful additions to the game!
Good models, good textures.
This is a great mod, and has excellent models and textures. I even tried to change the plantlife model but had problems with the texture, and this is exactly what I needed.
Subtle, but pleasing to the eye.
Makes small changes, but really does improve the default textures of Minetest. would recommend for people that dont like to completely change the game. overall makes litlle, but eye pleasing changes to default textures
Cool mod but laggy
cool mod, like microsoft flight simulator in minetest, but when i fly the plane it sometimes lags and the plane sounds also stop (for a split second). Also the plane sometimes struggles to catch up with where the actual player is (most likely because of speed). Other than that, great mod.
Cool mod
Although it is very easy to change in code, this mod is useful. would recommend to anyone who likes to customize thir worlds
Hunger runs out too quick
Great mod, works fine, no noticable performance issues. But the hunger runs out a bit too fast when sprinting and attacking entities. When in combat with another player hunger goes down fast.
Great mod
Great mod. But breaking apples makes it so they drop so players have to pick them up as items again. Other than that it is a great mod.
Great mod.
Great mod. Simple and great for servers or just singleplayer.
It is possible to punch wielded item.
It is possible to punch wielded item. Punch item or block that is being held by player. The items being held won't show after being punched.
Great Game
The gameplay is great, looks better than subway surfers. Recommanded to anyone who likes games with running.
Best player animations mod.
Needs some fixing though.
The model is wrong for the skins. The body, arms and legs are too long. Which makes the pixels look rectangular.
Great for modding
Great for moddding, though I have noticed that sneaking is a bit buggy . I can jump two blocks if I am on a trap door or any block that is a similar shape and size. E.g if I am on a trap door and there are two blocks going up I can press shift and space and I will jump both blocks. I also have noticed crouching on a block sournded by snow I am able to fall of the edge. Other then that it is a great game.
Best combat game
Best combat game. Anyone looking for combat should try this out first.
Good but needs fixing.
The mod is really good but the problem I'm having with this mod is the model for the player is wrong since the body length is too tall which makes the pixels look rectangular instead of being square like (The legs also have the same problem). Please fix.