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A bin to delete Items in Mineclone2 and Mineclonia.
Chimneys for Mineclone and Mineclonia.
Click Speed Detector
A mod that ensures you can only place a node every 0.16 seconds. It is intended for servers to counter players using auto-clickers.
A library that allows loading and saving data from config files.
Day-Coin Vote
Adds an item that allows you to vote on whether it should become day!
Keep Inv Random
There is a 10% chance that your inventory will be deleted when you die, even if keep inv is on.
A 16x16 texturepack only for Labyrinth.
A mod for Mineclone2 and Mineclonia with new food.
Helpful Mod
The mod is extremely helpful to me! I’m now using it on my server as well. I started the Python script with a systemd service. Very practical. The only problem I had was that the Python library that reads the config file didn’t work correctly. But that was probably due to my installation. I just wrote the values into Python variables, and then everything worked smoothly.
Good concept but a few generation errors
Good Concept
In my opinion, the principle of being surrounded only by stone is a very good idea because you can decide from the ground up which system you will use to build, structure and design bases and structures.
Problems with decorations and structures:
When I looked at the world with noclip, I noticed that decorations like grass and dead bushes were not replaced with stone. Larger decorations (structures) such as ruined portals were also noticeably inappropriate and unesthetic in the stone
Improvement ideas
You could potentially replace not only air and water with stone, but also grass; dirt; dirt with grass, dead bushes; Etc.. Another idea of mine would be to completely overwrite the world generation again. For this I highly recommend the library mod luamap.
Do what you think is right.
To few Elements
I think, that this mod is a special Idea, but it would be better, if the mod has not only 2 Elements. The Blocks have to colors, but what mean the color ? The Element-Group? And do you want to add all 118 Elements?
Very great mod, but unfortunately not for Mineclon(e2/ia)
I think it is cool, that the "Pizza Oven" has no graphical interface! I like the textures too.
Only 2 thinks:
Plearse answer! :)
Good system for players who dies often!
I think, it is a good idea, becaurse if players die, the stuff of them will despawn very fast, and when (he/she) can not find the die-place so fast, the stuff is away for ever. A little tip: In the textures folder is the texture "mcl_formspec_itemslot.png" that is for the chest-slots. You can use the Itemslot-textures, of the Mineclone game (for example: "mcl_formspec_itemslot.png"). Then you save storage space. Much success with your mod!
Good Mod
The idea, to make a own funktion, to make a new tool kind is very nice. I only noticed one error: It is impossible to craft deepslate stuff. That's because the crafting recipes already exists for stone stuff.
Much success for your first mod on ContentDB! :)
I think the mod is good, becaurse I often need the string of a Item (for my mods) and this mod shows them. For blocks I can use F5 to show the strings but this doesn't work with items. Good job!
Good Woldgeneration
The Islands are very nice but I think, that the mod should can work on Mineclone2 and Mineclonia too. I know, that it is not easy, becaurse Mineclone2 and Mineclonia do not have the default mod, but it would be very nice to have Ilands in this games.
Good woldgeneration
The caves are very big and nice. Very good game!
It is a good Mod!
It makes so easey to build fast. Verry good!
The mod is good but maybe ender mites can be added, becaurse they are in Minecraft too.
Verry good mod!
It is a nice new hardcoremode.
nice food
It is a good mod with nice idears for food. I made a similar mod (mineclonefood).
good game
I think, the game is good but the textures can be better.
I like a wold with much kinds of trees!
Intresting animals
Very much cool animals.
cool armor
It is a good mod with many nice Items!
A cool new Totem for mineclone.
Nice game
It is funny to play Builda City.
Very good Game
I think it is one of the best Minetest-game, but the textures-folder is a bit messy. Maybe you can make subfolder in the textures-folder? Good job!
Cool funktions
This mod have good funktions. I used them to make mts-structtures for mineclone2.
Good mod
It is a cool new Item and a creativ Idea!