Top 1.1% reviewer
Only 10 users have written more helpful reviews.
Has received 178262 downloads across all packages.
Advanced Chat
A library for advanced chatting.
Advanced Weapons
Adds a variety of advanced weapons.
Anti Exploit
Protects against exploits
Cellestial Game
Game of Life in three dimensions.
Cellular Automata
Simulates 3D cellular automata
Character Animations
Animates the character
Chatcommand Library
Library for registering chatcommands.
Cycle Limit
Limits hotbar slot switching
Quick energy burst alternative to sprinting
Debugging on steroids
Disable Build Where They Stand
Disables placing blocks at places where they would collide with a player
Live in-game skin editing! Upload & download to & from SkinDB!
Formspec Library
Formspec string builder & event handler callbacks
Adds fancy particle ghosts
A game of Go
HUD Timers
A lightweight library for adding hud timers.
Item Limit
Limits the amount of items of certain types in player inventories
Kill History
Adds a kill history
Magic Potions
Potions which grant player effects
Low-level high-performance entity library
Modding Library
Multipurpose Minetest Modding Library
Online Craftguide
Generates a static craftguide website
Place Limit
Limits node placement
Player Nametags
Adds player nametags floating above players.
Respawn Timer
Forces players to wait a set duration before respawning
Runtime Strictness
Disallows questionable usage of the Lua API & Lua itself to help catch errors
Texture Generator
Dynamically generated texture packs
Visible Wielditem
Shows your wielditem
Turns 3D models into astonishing voxel builds.
World of Life
Simulates 3D cellular automata in your entire world. WARNING: you will lose items & buildings in your world.
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
A hardcoded mod which should probably be kept private instead
Take a look at https://github.com/Bapt-Tech/privs/blob/main/init.lua. There are some problems with this.
. This means it erases all other privileges if a player on one of the lists joins. (Technically this is just a bug, but it is a critical one.)Name1
have excessive privs)I think this mod is probably not general purpose enough to be very useful for others. So far it seems pretty much strictly inferior to
to me (note that privileges should be persisted if there isn't a mod like this one breaking them).Eye See You! 👁
A fun twist on the "stealth" genre: Not only are there evil eyes which must not see you; most of the time the challenge is to stay within the field of view of at least one good eye: "The Unseen are lost!"
The game further gains a bit of a puzzle game note by having buttons you have to press to make new paths accessible. These can be hard to find at times, but it is never wrong to press them. Hence the winning strategy essentially is to scour the levels for buttons, pressing all of them (and memorizing their positions and a sensible order to press them in for future attempts in case you fail), though this is in practice much harder to do than it sounds. Some buttons are definitely deviously placed :)
The graphics, music, and overall atmosphere are all consistent and nicely done.
Overall, a good two to three hours of fun.
Chess, but less boring and more frustrating (in a good way)
I can only agree with the other reviewer(s): This is by far the best chess implementation in Minetest to date. It's nicely usable; you get a 3d view of the board. The engine works and actually picks decent moves.
Now, that's where the unexpected part comes in: Random "events" can completely change the course of the game. Strategies that work against the engine in "normal" chess don't work anymore. Beating the engine at "normal" chess is doable, but the "unexpected" version will give you a much harder time. It can be pretty frustrating if you worked hard on getting your pawns into good positions and suddenly they all just evaporate :P
Suggestions: Highlight the last move / action somehow (maybe using particle effects?). Otherwise it is at times hard to see what just happened. Also, please give the player a moment to review a checkmate.
Overall, a very good game!
Cool tech demo, but not exactly anything to play
I like this demonstration of just how much Minetest can be abused, but there isn't really anything to do; all the "games" become pretty boring pretty fast.
I like the graphics as well as the gameplay. The trick is to not fight too much, but to make a run for it ;P
Good game
Took me ~20 minutes to play this through, I like the mechanics. The "health powder" feels like a bit of a cheat - I had plenty of it when I went into the boss fight.
Not really useful; Name is misleading: No Glob Patterns, but rather Lua Patterns
This does not implement *nix Glob Patterns, but rather simply uses Lua patterns. Nobody in their right mind would do
rm -rf .*
in their terminal - that will not remove all files, but rather only hidden files (files starting with a dot in their name)!The only function provided is not exactly useful; how often do you need to kick multiple players based on a pattern? I could imagine this being useful only in very rare cases where an attacker is dumb enough to make his names follow a pattern. What makes this even more useless is that the Minetest chat features tab completion for playernames.
What I could see being useful: Actual globs, e.g. for file traversal purposes, but as an API rather than user-facing chatcommands.
Good engine and mod testbed; not for players
Usually the best testbed for engine development or if you want to quickly play around with an engine feature.
Also very useful in mod development due to its minimalism, which allows for a very fast loading time and also helps ensure that your mod works even in a minimalist environment without bloaty mods such as
.Devtest also provides a few introspective facilities (e.g. node editing tools etc.) and example content (nodes, entities etc.) that aid in engine and mod testing.
That said, when you're developing a new game for players, you should under no circumstances base it on
(except if your game is intended to serve as a replacement testbed or perhaps a more specific mod testbed).Way too easy
You can simply pillar up using your own feces. On a roof, you won't be disturbed while packing your feces.
Massive robocop overpopulation also causes insufferable lag.
Quoting my review of the last stuff mod:
A must-have for writing performance-critical code
Minetest's profiler provides insufficient granularity for doing any serious profiling. Sure, in larger games it may point you towards the culprit, but that often still is a large globalstep or mapgen function.
More often, you already know the culprit - mapgen, in our case - and want to optimize it. To do so, you need a maximum of granularity, down to every function call, every vector operation, to be able to micro-optimize the hottest spots where it matters. The LuaJIT profiler provides this granularity and this mod makes it accessible (without having to go through the hassle of reinventing this mod).
Back to mapgen: After algorithmic optimizations were exhausted, this mod allowed me to gain a 2x speedup, bringing mapgen to an acceptable performance, by confirming that certain vector operations were better off localized and helping me uncover a nasty bug in my memoization (which wasn't working).
You only have 100ms between two globalsteps; Minetest is mostly single-threaded. Taking any more time will create noticeable lag. Thus practically all mapgen, ABMs, pathfinding, mob steps, and some expensive globalsteps are performance-critical.
Adoption of this mod will hopefully cause the widespread performance issues observed across the mod landscape to slowly cease existence.
Much needed feature, but a poor implementation
(should trigger a warning?) and{x=...,y=...,z=...}
vector (rather thanvector.offset
).loc ~= nil
.In conclusion, I would strongly advise against depending on this library in its current state. Modders should rather roll their own.
Yet another "stuff" mod
See my review on the last stuff mod.
Low effort
The inventory images for Skis is a boat. Skis float significantly above snow in some cases; the physics are pretty much boat physics. Skis are apparently just modified boats that work well on land. The surface you're skiing on doesn't seem to matter - snow works as good as grass or stone. Also missing a release for sfence's updates it seems.
Very good mod
The concept reminds me of Wondrous Lands - or to put it in Monkeybiter's words:
Remains unsatisfying
This game boils down to coconut digger. The tool textures are sloppily made. The main objective is the highly repetitive task of walking around and digging coconuts, which gets very boring very quickly. Even after the end of the game jam, this has not been updated to improve either visuals or gameplay mechanics.
Simple yet elegant
This texture pack is very simplistic, consequently sticking to a rather small and lucid palette. Yet everything is well-recognizable. Minetest Game support is very good, which allows this texture pack to completely change the look & feel of many MTG-based games. If you haven't yet, you must try this out!
Consistent style, good mod support
The style of RPG16 is completely unique. Nothing looks the same as with the plain old MTG textures; worlds get an entirely different feeling to them. RPG16 manages to work with, not against the engine, unlike certain high-res texture packs. It also provides great visuals for mod screenshots.
Simple fun
The game is quite simple: You are running on a railway. Using left-right controls, you can switch the lane, slide using sneak and jump using space. Specific obstacles require exactly one way too dodge. The theming is for the most part well done: A proper screenshot was rendered, an icon created, the game uses models made during the jam, formspecs were styled neatly.
There are some minor frustrations though: Jumping feels quite odd (like velocity is being made positive up to a point, then suddenly flipped to the negatives instead of a simple upward acceleration + gravity). The waiting period of roughly 5s gets frustrating when you want to have anotehr go right now. Collision could have been implemented a bit better by using the new moveresult feature; the way it's currently implemented serverside, it triggers only after the collision happened; in third person view, you are already out of the obstacle, yet the game is over (I could've sworn I didn't collide with that obstacle!).
Conclusion: Even though this is relatively simple and has minor issues, it is still fun to play. Through it's simplicity, it managed to reach the state of completeness the jam was aiming at rather well, other than some competitors.
Finally a good puzzle game
Alter features simple yet challenging puzzle game mechanics. There are only some minor issues, relating to incomplete theming (such as the default player skin or the buttons without background). There is however one game-breaking bug: When you hit ESC while in the tutorial formspec, you don't get the potion and are stuck. Once you have that figured out (and you may consider that part of the challenge ;-)) it gets fun!
The best the engine can do is "Solar Plains: Invector"
Jordach is one of a select few modders who like to work against the engine. This game is a piece of art (including textures with meme references and sounds created by Jordach during the jam, which is probably unique) which gets the most out of the engine. Initially it appeared "laggy" to me too, while in reality it isn't - the issue stems from Jordach using the only way the engine provides to set the camera direction, which isn't smooth by default. In order to keep this camera stutter to a minimum, I suggest you enable cinematic camera smoothing and - most importantly - keep your hands off the mouse!
Apart from this, the AIs are a rather amazing demo considering the short timeframe, and a couple effects have been implemented as well. All that is lacking are a couple more maps, which is why in it's current state this is more of an - impressive - tech demo than a fully enjoyable game.
And granted, there are some minor bugs, including a crash. Quality assurance is a time-consuming process finding little place in a game jam; only the most glaring issues can be fixed before release.
Presumably useful for roleplaying servers
Consider expanding upon this mod in the future. Support for something like player entity nametags might be interesting too.
Overrated cookie clicker
Through the positive reviews amassed through game jam reviewers, this game has surpassed LOTT, the infinite IKEA and a couple other genuinely well done game, being a mere "cookie clicker" type of game: You spend all your time doing the highly repetitive task of mining resources and spending them. The first five minutes you unlock new types of resources - which merely differ in color/tool - and a "shop", which will convert resources. But afterwards, it gets "meh".
Updoot because this seems to be a genuinely well-done mod.
I gotta admit though that I haven't even bothered to download it.I have even bothered to download it.
Awesome use of formspecs
Very polished game
Probably the best free MineCraft clone available for Minetest (only notable contestant is Crafter).
Great modding base
Minetest Game provides a solid yet playable modding base.
One of the best electronics mods
Widely supported by mods, this is one of the best Minetest alternatives to Minecraft Redstone.
Great textures
All assets are full 10/10