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A craftable and “makeable“ cement blocks for Minetest Game
Hunger NG
A very customizable and easy to extend hunger system.
Industrial Mese
Craft and use industrial Mese
Ladders 3D
3D ladders of a wide variety of base materials.
Minor Redefinitions
Changes smaller things that are issues for either Luanti or Minetest Game that are technically fixable but won’t be fixed due to several non-technical reasons.
Ingame timer for showing current playtime, current day time, ingame time, etc.
Nodes for pixelart grouped in color palettes
Playtime Limit
Limit how long players are allowed to play
Super Duper Walls!
Modular flexible walls for supported Luanti Games.
Time Speed
Configurable different speeds for daytime and nighttime
Unified Hammers
Various hammers that can be used to crush nodes.
Void - An empty game
The purpose of this game is to test mods in an absolutely “clean” environment with absolutely no “3rd-party” mods
That is imnpressive
I am really impressed! This game shows what the Luanti engine is capable of doing! Creating it “just for a game jam” is even more impressive and shows deep understanding of how the engine works.
Oldie but goldie
Even if the last “real” change was a bugfix 3 years ago the mod simply works and does exactly what’s described. It’s a super useful feature to combine two chests into one larger chest to have twice the amount of items in one chest inventory.
Over-engineered but pretty much awesome
It started as a craftguide but nowadays it’s by far the most modern and complex default inventroy replacement out there.
The mod is so feature-laden that it sometimes feels a bit too complex. Today it’s not just an inventory, it’s basically an interface to everything player-related, including the inventory.
It’s very dated
While the mod works in genral and all the features are available as described, it’s just oooold.
You see that it was started 10 years ago. The look and feel is just clumsy. The default inventory was improved a lot since then and has a robust search and an own crafting guide. Also, the (now) common sfinv makes a lot of Uinified Inventory’s features redundant because mods added tabs to the default inventory for their functionality.
If you want to use a modern replacement for Unified Inventory maybe check out i3. Or simply stick with the default inventory that got improved since Unified Inventory was created.
Adds a lot of logic features
A very well supported mod that adds a lot of stuff to work with to create logic systems. You get buttons, witches logic gates and even an FPGA you can freely program to do a lot of cool things. You can also have a ctroller that can run (mostly) arbitrary Lua code when triggered in a defined way and that can output signals that can be processed by other components.
It also interacts very well with Digilines and Technic and allows complex machinery with text output on displays.
This is one of the few mod’s I always enable when starting a new world or trying things in singleplayer.
Awesome must-have mod, but …
I love it. Technic is one of the first mods I install whenever I set up a new world and it is also one of my go-to mods when I just want to toy around with things. It is very feature-rich and well integrated with a lot of other mods.
… but: it entirely lacks of proper documentation.
The wiki on GitHub has pages that were last touched almost 10 years ago and basically contain nothing more than the name of an item or sometimes only a list of headings. There is also a “manual” wich is an unsearchable giant wall of text without any proper information on crafting, alloying (what materials in what ratio), and other things to produce stuff.