I want my nether to be from -28,000 to -31,000, but I don't know how to do that. How do I do that?
It is the best biome mod, but I think that it will be better once some mobs are added to the biomes.
Every time I use this mod, it just says that something is at a "nil value", and it does not start up. Can you fix this? And by the way, the sword actually belongs to the Obsidianmese/X-Obsidianmese mod.
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I want my nether to be from -28,000 to -31,000, but I don't know how to do that. How do I do that?
It is the best biome mod, but I think that it will be better once some mobs are added to the biomes.
Every time I use this mod, it just says that something is at a "nil value", and it does not start up. Can you fix this? And by the way, the sword actually belongs to the Obsidianmese/X-Obsidianmese mod.