i like the texture and the idea, but the thing with currency, is that it has to be worth something, the thing with making a coin item without a crafting recipe (for creative use) is that survival and creative users have no need for it. you have to make it craftable, maybe make it crafted of gold or something, and make it so it can be used as a stand in for 8 gold, like this:
i would love to, but unfortunitly mineclone/voxellibre has a licence that does not permit change, as listed in this line of the licence. ("Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed") sadly that is not possible, however i would love to hear any other ideas you might have :) i would be happy to hear them and even apply them to the mod. thank you :)
i love how it is able to puch groups of nodes forwards! i especially like how it is able to help flatten land. i also like how it is able to ease into the next level, or platform, unlike the vehichles mod, or any other car mods, that simply pop onto the next level. fun and original mod!
the granite and andisite blocks in the game are almost useless (except for a feuw decorative stair, slab and wall blocks), your blocks, and recipes being added just makes sense :) good mod
i love the idea for a setting! i wil get on that very soon! also i am deleting the pure ocd nodes, as they are just a joke for the screenshot. thank you :)
i am terrable at explaining things, i meant that the nodes just being overriden mesh ores, for all of the ores. (kinda like 3d apples) may be a more simple approach, but it can cause a lot of lag. the rendering part does not create any lag, that is why i went with it. what do you think?
the original plan was to simply override the nodes, like the 3d apples mod, but i realized that the game loading so many meshes can create some serious lag, so i went with the smarter approach, if you can think of another way, i would be happy to consider it :)
ooh, ideas! i am thinking about making it work with other ore mods like rainbow ore, or more ores, or deepslate ores, or even lapis! thank you for the ideas (:
i would, but that would mean that they would clip through the stone nodes around, and with each other, if you have any other cool ideas i would be happy to make a mod for them,like seriously i need ideas.
cool doors, cool nodes, cool craftitems, cool alien eggs, (personally on of my favorite parts!) creative textures, and some great tubes, and light nodes! altogether a beloved mod, surprized nobody else has reviewed it!
just added the update! this release includes: custom mech color customization, texture customization, craftitems that allow you to craft your own mech peace by peace! and it now works with survival mode!!!!!!!!! hope you like it :)
ok, get ready, cause the next update is coming out! here is a peek of what it contains: crafting recapies!!!!, costomizable mech colors, mech details, and mech eye glows!!!!!! also allows for use in servival mode!!!!!!! This update allows you to build, craft, and personalize your very own mech!!! infinite possabilities for creating your very own ideal mech skin! hope you like it :)
it is "bad ass" mech, meaning cool, (opposite slang). have any of you used the update, and if so what do you think about it, i accept all ideas, and criticisms.
i thought cdb would not accept a title like this, it was just a test, but when nobody said anything i just kept the name, if someoe says something, i will find a new name.
i see what you mean, i didnt realize, thanks for the input! i will get on that as soon as i can!
i like the texture and the idea, but the thing with currency, is that it has to be worth something, the thing with making a coin item without a crafting recipe (for creative use) is that survival and creative users have no need for it. you have to make it craftable, maybe make it crafted of gold or something, and make it so it can be used as a stand in for 8 gold, like this:
minetest.register_craft({ output = "only_a_coin:coin", recipe = { {"default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot"}, {"default:gold_ingot", "", "default:gold_ingot"}, {"default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot"}, }, })
and vice versa
i like the idea, i will have to look into how i would acomplish this, ill see what i can do
got it, i will get right on it when i have a little more time (:
ok, love the idea, this is the mod right? https://content.minetest.net/packages/RealBadAngel/technic/ (there are a lot of technic extension/addition mods, just want to make sure i have the right one)
i would love to, but unfortunitly mineclone/voxellibre has a licence that does not permit change, as listed in this line of the licence. ("Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed") sadly that is not possible, however i would love to hear any other ideas you might have :) i would be happy to hear them and even apply them to the mod. thank you :)
i had an idea for your mod
can we talk?
i love how it is able to puch groups of nodes forwards! i especially like how it is able to help flatten land. i also like how it is able to ease into the next level, or platform, unlike the vehichles mod, or any other car mods, that simply pop onto the next level. fun and original mod!
the granite and andisite blocks in the game are almost useless (except for a feuw decorative stair, slab and wall blocks), your blocks, and recipes being added just makes sense :) good mod
i love the idea for a setting! i wil get on that very soon! also i am deleting the pure ocd nodes, as they are just a joke for the screenshot. thank you :)
i am terrable at explaining things, i meant that the nodes just being overriden mesh ores, for all of the ores. (kinda like 3d apples) may be a more simple approach, but it can cause a lot of lag. the rendering part does not create any lag, that is why i went with it. what do you think?
the original plan was to simply override the nodes, like the 3d apples mod, but i realized that the game loading so many meshes can create some serious lag, so i went with the smarter approach, if you can think of another way, i would be happy to consider it :)
ooh, ideas! i am thinking about making it work with other ore mods like rainbow ore, or more ores, or deepslate ores, or even lapis! thank you for the ideas (:
i would, but that would mean that they would clip through the stone nodes around, and with each other, if you have any other cool ideas i would be happy to make a mod for them,like seriously i need ideas.
also, what did you think of the mod?
oh, i see what you mean, my bad, when i typed realisticly i meant the models were more realistic, not the glow, fixing now :)
fun communication huh?
hello addie
hello? just wanted to ask what you would think of a mod that added giant mechs, and also where have you been, you doing ok?
cool doors, cool nodes, cool craftitems, cool alien eggs, (personally on of my favorite parts!) creative textures, and some great tubes, and light nodes! altogether a beloved mod, surprized nobody else has reviewed it!
the update has been released. hope you like it :)
i will make sure it wont happen again, apologies.
just added the update! this release includes: custom mech color customization, texture customization, craftitems that allow you to craft your own mech peace by peace! and it now works with survival mode!!!!!!!!! hope you like it :)
ok, get ready, cause the next update is coming out! here is a peek of what it contains: crafting recapies!!!!, costomizable mech colors, mech details, and mech eye glows!!!!!! also allows for use in servival mode!!!!!!! This update allows you to build, craft, and personalize your very own mech!!! infinite possabilities for creating your very own ideal mech skin! hope you like it :)
is that better?
is that better dragonop?
thank you for the cool review, i hope you will check out the nw update when it comes out.
yes, that is what i meant to say.
it is "bad ass" mech, meaning cool, (opposite slang). have any of you used the update, and if so what do you think about it, i accept all ideas, and criticisms.
ok, happy i can keep the name (:
i thought cdb would not accept a title like this, it was just a test, but when nobody said anything i just kept the name, if someoe says something, i will find a new name.
also what did you think of the update?
if you have any cool ideas i would be happy to make them a reality for this mod or another.
tell me if there is anything wrong with it. thanks :)
thanks :) i just updated the mod, hope you like it.