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Classical Music
Classical background music
Edit signs in mineclone2
Mineclonia Chameleon Creeper
Creeper adapts color to the biome it is currently in
Mineclonia Goldberg Variations
Bach's Goldberg Variations as mineclonia jukebox records and/or tracks for mcla_music_api
Mineclonia Music Api
Music API, made for mineclonia but compatible with all games
mineclonia Oneblock
Oneblock skyblock challenge for mineclonia DO NOT USE IN EXISTING WORLDS
Mineclonia Stoneblock
The claustrophobic anti-skyblock challenge - everything is there but covered in stone, mine-to-win DO NOT USE WITH EXISTING MAPS!
Mineclonia Wieldlight
Simple wielded lights for mineclonia with support for mcl_offhand
Operetta Music
Historical operetta recordings for mcla_music_api
Unicode Signs
Signs that allow unicode text
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
Nice concept
I went for something similar in my game, considered adding biface too. For some inspiration maybe what I also added instead of furnace is crafting a bloomery and burning it to smelt iron:
This is great
The performance issue of the original made it somewhat unusable for me, the idea to turn the nodeboxes to meshes had been around for a while, glad to see someone actually doing it.
Btw. if you just use the nodegroup "leaves" that should cover it (i know it does for mcl* and mtg) and you won't need to do any string.find and probably don't need to exclude the plantlife stuff specifically either (yes the pine needles have group leaves as well: )
I would say it fits the theme rather well ...
If everyone expects something unexpected the most unexpected thing is to make something entirely expected :p
But to be fair if this is the theme and you're good enough with words you can make everything fit ^^
Very nice chess for minetest
This deserves a thumbs up just for the chess implementation itsself which I think would be nice as a standalone mod as well (particularly the multi player variant could be nice for servers). The bot is extremely weak but that is to be expected. And the unexpected events actually kind of make up for it because no matter how good you are at regular chess calculating doesn't really help a lot usually bc eventually something like "remove all pawns" happens and everything is different anyways.
Looks nice
For some context: the check is there to prevent hackers from accessing the enderchest inventory without and actual echest. Regarding detached inventories I recommend taking a look at mcl_entity_invs that basically manages "ad-hoc" inventories for entities like chest minecarts and saves the content in a table in the entity.
Very nice
I've thought about making something like this before.
For the water level at mapgen time you might want to look at the on_generated in my climate change mod as it does more or less the same (except just in 1 direction hehe).
works nicely
I like it also how are the shops too far ? There is a node you can right click that teleports you. Didn't feel like the longest journey to me at all ... (are you noclip flying there ? ^^ )