the normal chests aren't really supposed to contain anything they are just chests, however I might at some point implement reward chests at the end of the phases.
For me the only mesecons mod that didn't work with mcla (yes mineclonia) is mesecons_doors but that is simply due to the fact that it depends on mtg doors...
Well yeah but you can use it with the normal mesecons things. Just a heads up though VL is planning to eventually do this as well.
See the codeberg discussion for more details as to why; tl;dr the compatibility used to be very rudimentary (while using the same namespace) and hence caused many problems.
As mentioned on codeberg i'll look into the bow thing though
You can simply install mesecons with mcla and it will actually work with mesecons mods because "mcl/redstone-mesecons" is only partly compatible with mesecons.
Which is one of the main reasons we removed it. Your client should automatically install mesecons from contentdb if some mods depends on it!?
. item despawning (they dont despawn and it can cause issues over time)
they do, after 5 minutes of being loaded, if you leave the area and it is unloaded the timer is essentially suspended so you can get your items back when you die somewhere far away from your bed.
Sunflowers always face east, making them useful for navigation if the sun is not visible. This also works in the Nether and the End.
idk if there is a reasonable way to spawn it any faster than this, besides the client starts falling the instance the player has removed the block and any kind of lag between server and client would make it keep falling.
It would probably be possible to reset the player position but that would be kind of hacky and would probably feel kind of weird too. I think having a block under it is probably the best solution.
Could make it bedrock if you're worried about the player getting a "free" obsidian block :p
I see yeah we actually backported most potions code from the rewrite in voxelibre not too long ago it is certainly better now but there may be commented stuff in there i guess.
yeah currently i think there is probably no way to get it normally; I was thinking of adding reward chests after each stage, this would be good candidates for such chests i suppose. Made an issue for this in the bugtracker:
Look, there is a difference between copying someones work (which is what I have complained about in the past) and people working on something because they maybe read one of your comments before. oneblock isn't really the same as skyblock either, may have been motivated by that, not sure, in any case you implying that's practically like copying your work because you said the word skyblock in an issue is again a bit much ...
Actually on point:
You made it about "mcla claims things". The reviewer specifically says in mcla bus get fixed quickly and in mcl2 they had a different experience.
Let's get the order of events straight here:
* Reviewer said in mcl2/vl bugs don't get fixed but in mcla they do
* You say "mcla is not more stable, it's false advertising".
The reason people may perceive mineclonia as more stable may simply be because we are quick at fixing bugs and releasing. And actually have done minor releases for critical bugs very quickly on several occasions.
I think it is fair to assume that you do not excercise more restraint on VL discord than on MT discord. Also now and then people send me screenshots of what is being said so not quite speculation or baseless ...
Whether it addressed the problem fully or not is hard to say,
As I said I get the associated error on my server somewhat regularly, it has not crashed because of it though but In VL there are 2 open bugs reports about it since afaik (one of them i linked to above).
From what I can tell the main difference is that we overwrite the minetest function and probably get all instances of it that way.
you were lifting my fixes and rewriting them (sky colour when raining was another)
I am not sure how looking at that code made you think that it was copied? It was addressing the same issue, yes but the solution is clearly not very similar.
Of course we look at the mcl2 bugtracker as that is still often relevant to us. And we also usually linked to the associated mcl2 bug reports.
In many many other cases we have indeed taken your fixes. However claiming we copied something just because we were working on the same issue is a bit much I would say.
When we cherry picked / copied something from mcl2/VL we have always done our best to credit it properly.
Let's move on, and both build great games, and enjoy it.
Yeah I agree, it would just be great if you guys stopped spreading misinformation like this, I recently rejoined mt discord and searched for mineclonia out of interest ... and I'm pretty sure it goes up a level if one were to search on vl discord ...
We are to the contrary even correcting people when they say things about vl that make it sound worse than it is ...
Did Cora credit the pcall code I added to the get_natural_light code that she objected at length in
It wasn't taken from mcl2 simple as that. I am surprised you even have it because if you do it clearly does not work !?
which part of vl would you say this was stolen from, and why does the bug still crash in VL but not in mcla?
I also do not remember objecting to that (maybe i did, but in that case i obviously changed my mind), what i objected strongly to was your "mob border".
I can say in any case the bug happens somewhat regularly still on my server.
there are probably a number of ways the block can get lost where it wouldn't be automatically restored that's why there is a chatcommand to reset it: just run /ob_reset
To fix it disable mcl_node_particles and never enable it again. The featureis basically completely broken (and always has been). It will add more and more particle spawners until your game comes to a stop.
to be fair everything is kinda unesthetic with noclip ;) i think the experience after mining for hours finding an airpocket with a structure might be nice though
Good idea, definitely worth looking into however without having done so I suspect it might be easier said than done as the various mods that make up that functionality currently contain a lot of custom stuff i suppose (i guess we're mostly talking mcl_player and mcl_skins probably).
For the sounds: no it does indeed not go through complex lengths to guess how games other than mtg and mcl* do their node sounds, you can disable "ucsigns_register_wood_signs" and register your own signs types using any node defs you likeif you want node sounds other than defaul. or mcl_sound. ( ).
Then again maybe it could copy the sound field from the wood nodes, which i guess would make it a bit nicer.
As for the stretching I kind of like that it uses the available space although admittedly I also have no idea how to fix it to some aspect ratio unless unicode_text were to provide an option for that :p
The performance issue of the original made it somewhat unusable for me, the idea to turn the nodeboxes to meshes had been around for a while, glad to see someone actually doing it.
Btw. if you just use the nodegroup "leaves" that should cover it (i know it does for mcl* and mtg) and you won't need to do any string.find and probably don't need to exclude the plantlife stuff specifically either (yes the pine needles have group leaves as well: )
I realized you get wet sponges in the ocean phase which you can use to get water by drying them in a furnace if you quickly exchange the fuel with a bucket.
Also almost done with pretty much rewriting it for multiplayer support, should I'll probably upload in a day or 2.
I'd like to understand though how/why it interferes with gameplay, maybe it can be changed in a way that it wouldn't do that.
From my personal experience right clicking things with an empty hand otherwise does nothing really so it seemed like a fair choice.
the normal chests aren't really supposed to contain anything they are just chests, however I might at some point implement reward chests at the end of the phases.
For me the only mesecons mod that didn't work with mcla (yes mineclonia) is mesecons_doors but that is simply due to the fact that it depends on mtg doors...
Well yeah but you can use it with the normal mesecons things. Just a heads up though VL is planning to eventually do this as well.
See the codeberg discussion for more details as to why; tl;dr the compatibility used to be very rudimentary (while using the same namespace) and hence caused many problems.
As mentioned on codeberg i'll look into the bow thing though
You can simply install mesecons with mcla and it will actually work with mesecons mods because "mcl/redstone-mesecons" is only partly compatible with mesecons.
Which is one of the main reasons we removed it. Your client should automatically install mesecons from contentdb if some mods depends on it!?
they do, after 5 minutes of being loaded, if you leave the area and it is unloaded the timer is essentially suspended so you can get your items back when you die somewhere far away from your bed.
yeah minecarts are a bit bad.
I went for something similar in my game, considered adding biface too. For some inspiration maybe what I also added instead of furnace is crafting a bloomery and burning it to smelt iron:
could probably be made as a mod though
anyone who is interested in adding translations can do so on things submitted there will be updated into the game before each release.
idk if there is a reasonable way to spawn it any faster than this, besides the client starts falling the instance the player has removed the block and any kind of lag between server and client would make it keep falling.
It would probably be possible to reset the player position but that would be kind of hacky and would probably feel kind of weird too. I think having a block under it is probably the best solution.
Could make it bedrock if you're worried about the player getting a "free" obsidian block :p
You would be falling instantly when digging the one block if there wasn't anything under it
Yes they aren't really supposed to contain anything see also
might add "reward chests" at the end of stages some time though
I see yeah we actually backported most potions code from the rewrite in voxelibre not too long ago it is certainly better now but there may be commented stuff in there i guess.
There's probably a reason for that however we generally have the policy to not include commented out code at all. In which file is this?
it looks like there will be lots of improvements soonish to most mobs including the dragon
good to know that it is fixed, otherwise if it occurs again let us know the error message
yeah currently i think there is probably no way to get it normally; I was thinking of adding reward chests after each stage, this would be good candidates for such chests i suppose. Made an issue for this in the bugtracker:
If you place nodes there you can probably get mobs to spawn, it's just that no map will generate because of singlenode mapgen
I opened an issue in the issue tracker:
Good point. it's probably not possible with the way mineconia currently works, we may have to think about how that could be done
I think this may have been broken when we simplified the spawn code in mineclonia since i could swear this worked at one point.
Made a new release that should fix it anyways.
well you could always /grantme fly, enable flying and save yourself and then /revokeme fly again.
However yes you should spawn on the block. I thought you do I'll fix that.
Idk, as far as I can see both ryvnf and the original poster have criticized pretty specific things.
I see a lot of generalized and personal statements both from ancient and now you without addressing the criticism at all.
Look, there is a difference between copying someones work (which is what I have complained about in the past) and people working on something because they maybe read one of your comments before. oneblock isn't really the same as skyblock either, may have been motivated by that, not sure, in any case you implying that's practically like copying your work because you said the word skyblock in an issue is again a bit much ...
Actually on point: You made it about "mcla claims things". The reviewer specifically says in mcla bus get fixed quickly and in mcl2 they had a different experience.
Let's get the order of events straight here: * Reviewer said in mcl2/vl bugs don't get fixed but in mcla they do * You say "mcla is not more stable, it's false advertising".
The reason people may perceive mineclonia as more stable may simply be because we are quick at fixing bugs and releasing. And actually have done minor releases for critical bugs very quickly on several occasions.
I think it is fair to assume that you do not excercise more restraint on VL discord than on MT discord. Also now and then people send me screenshots of what is being said so not quite speculation or baseless ...
As I said I get the associated error on my server somewhat regularly, it has not crashed because of it though but In VL there are 2 open bugs reports about it since afaik (one of them i linked to above). From what I can tell the main difference is that we overwrite the minetest function and probably get all instances of it that way.
For comparison yours: ours:
I am not sure how looking at that code made you think that it was copied? It was addressing the same issue, yes but the solution is clearly not very similar.
Of course we look at the mcl2 bugtracker as that is still often relevant to us. And we also usually linked to the associated mcl2 bug reports.
In many many other cases we have indeed taken your fixes. However claiming we copied something just because we were working on the same issue is a bit much I would say.
When we cherry picked / copied something from mcl2/VL we have always done our best to credit it properly.
Yeah I agree, it would just be great if you guys stopped spreading misinformation like this, I recently rejoined mt discord and searched for mineclonia out of interest ... and I'm pretty sure it goes up a level if one were to search on vl discord ...
We are to the contrary even correcting people when they say things about vl that make it sound worse than it is ...
It wasn't taken from mcl2 simple as that. I am surprised you even have it because if you do it clearly does not work !?
EDIT: for easier reference, these are the commits that added it in mcla: and then
which part of vl would you say this was stolen from, and why does the bug still crash in VL but not in mcla? I also do not remember objecting to that (maybe i did, but in that case i obviously changed my mind), what i objected strongly to was your "mob border".
I can say in any case the bug happens somewhat regularly still on my server.
it won't reset your counter or anything, just put the block back
there are probably a number of ways the block can get lost where it wouldn't be automatically restored that's why there is a chatcommand to reset it: just run /ob_reset
well the feature is off by default and marked as experimental and in the description it even mentions performance issues.
Just remove the mcl_particles mod and everything that calls it (it's just a few things; torches mostly iirc).
And yes it does cause huge performance issues. It would on every computer because it will start more and more particlespawners.
To be fair it sounds like the low FPS is probably caused by the buggy node particle spawners in VoxeLibre which we have removed a while back. See
To fix it disable mcl_node_particles and never enable it again. The featureis basically completely broken (and always has been). It will add more and more particle spawners until your game comes to a stop.
Mesecraft has this i think with a fork of this mod: in conjunction with
I found it kinda fun to play with even though fairly challenging.
to be fair everything is kinda unesthetic with noclip ;) i think the experience after mining for hours finding an airpocket with a structure might be nice though
yeah that was basically my lazy rationalization for just keeping everything and coverint it with stone ^^
well i think the abm won't convert dirt_with_grass that has a flower or tall grass on top ... you'll still need silk touch to dig it though
Good idea, definitely worth looking into however without having done so I suspect it might be easier said than done as the various mods that make up that functionality currently contain a lot of custom stuff i suppose (i guess we're mostly talking mcl_player and mcl_skins probably).
EDIT: made an issue on the bugtracker:
yeah sounds should work better now with the latest release. i.e. if your wood node has sounds it should get copied.
For the sounds: no it does indeed not go through complex lengths to guess how games other than mtg and mcl* do their node sounds, you can disable "ucsigns_register_wood_signs" and register your own signs types using any node defs you likeif you want node sounds other than defaul. or mcl_sound. ( ).
Then again maybe it could copy the sound field from the wood nodes, which i guess would make it a bit nicer.
As for the stretching I kind of like that it uses the available space although admittedly I also have no idea how to fix it to some aspect ratio unless unicode_text were to provide an option for that :p
The performance issue of the original made it somewhat unusable for me, the idea to turn the nodeboxes to meshes had been around for a while, glad to see someone actually doing it.
Btw. if you just use the nodegroup "leaves" that should cover it (i know it does for mcl* and mtg) and you won't need to do any string.find and probably don't need to exclude the plantlife stuff specifically either (yes the pine needles have group leaves as well: )
New release supports multiplayer, also added cherry and mangrove leaves.
I realized you get wet sponges in the ocean phase which you can use to get water by drying them in a furnace if you quickly exchange the fuel with a bucket.
Also almost done with pretty much rewriting it for multiplayer support, should I'll probably upload in a day or 2.