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Area Containers
Adds nodes that contain areas in which you can build
Large Slugs
Adds node-based slug mobs to your world
LuaJIT Profiler
Profile mods using LuaJIT's built-in profiler.
Node Object
A library for associating objects with nodes
Promise Stuff
A promise library
Shifter Tool
Adds a tool for moving nodes as pistons would
Better than Redstone
As mentioned in the mod description, Mesecons is basically the equivalent of Redstone. But it is easier to use, without Redstone's dumb restrictions. Wires don't need to be placed on a solid surface, and can instantaneously carry a signal as far as you need. Mesecons also has features that Redstone has not, including insulated wires, compact logic gates, FPGAs, and controllers programmable with Lua.
In addition, it's easy to write mods that integrate with Mesecons. You can add your own inputs and outputs and even your own wires. That said, documentation of the API is somewhat lacking.
There are some bugs, especially with regards to pushing Mesecons components using pistons. You probably won't encounter them during normal gameplay, but hopefully they will be fixed eventually.
Useful, good interface
This mod seems good for letting people script robots without exposing a full language like Lua. Lua is a security liability. Scratch-like programming is also probably easier for beginners (I started programming using Scratch.) I'm impressed that the interface is implemented with formspecs.
Fun and polished
The flying is very nice. It seems realistic (as someone who has never piloted an aircraft) while also being pretty easy. It was very smooth when I tested in the vanilla Minetest Game, although that might change if you have a bunch of mods installed slowing things down. The model also looks very nice. I like the gauges.
My favorite animal mod
If you want to add basic animals to your world, I recommend this mod. The animals seem less janky than those from mobs_animal, and they have more unique behaviors. In my opinion, their textures and models also look nicer. The head movements are a nice touch.